{ "AlarmOption": { "alarmIn": "Alarm Input", "alarmOut": "Alarm Output", "attendedBaggageStart": "Object Removal Detection Alarm Started", "attendedBaggageStop": "Object Removal Detection Alarm Stopped", "audioInputExceptionStart": "Audio Input Exception Started", "audioInputExceptionStop": "Audio Input Exception Stopped", "defocusDetectionStart": "Defocus Detection Started", "defocusDetectionStop": "Defocus Detection Stopped", "faceDetectionStart": "Face Detection Started", "faceDetectionStop": "Face Detection Stopped", "fieldDetectionStart": "Intrusion Detection Started", "fieldDetectionStop": "Intrusion Detection Stopped", "groupStart": "People Gathering Detection Alarm Started", "groupStop": "People Gathering Detection Alarm Stopped", "hideStart": "Video Tampering Detection Started", "hideStop": "Video Tampering Detection Stopped", "lineDetectionStart": "Line Crossing Detection Started", "lineDetectionStop": "Line Crossing Detection Stopped", "loiteringStart": "Loitering Detection Alarm Started", "loiteringStop": "Loitering Detection Alarm Stopped", "motionStart": "Motion Detection Started", "motionStop": "Motion Detection Stopped", "parkingStart": "Parking Detection Alarm Started", "parkingStop": "Parking Detection Alarm Stopped", "pirStart": "PIR Alarm Started", "pirStop": "PIR Alarm Stopped", "rapidMoveStart": "Fast Moving Detection Alarm Started", "rapidMoveStop": "Fast Moving Detection Alarm Stopped", "regionEntranceStart": "Region Entrance Detection Alarm Started", "regionEntranceStop": "Region Entrance Detection Alarm Stopped", "regionExitingStart": "Region Exiting Detection Alarm Started", "regionExitingStop": "Region Exiting Detection Alarm Stopped", "sceneChangeDetectionStart": "Sudden Change of Scene Detection Started", "sceneChangeDetectionStop": "Sudden Change of Scene Detection Stopped", "soundIntensityMutationStart": "Sudden Change of Sound Intensity Detection Started", "soundIntensityMutationStop": "Sudden Change of Sound Intensity Detection Stopped", "unattendedBaggageStart": "Unattended Baggage Detection Alarm Started", "unattendedBaggageStop": "Unattended Baggage Detection Alarm Stopped", "vcaStart": "Intelligent Alarm Started", "vcaStop": "Intelligent Alarm Stopped", "vehicleDetectionStart": "Vehicle Detection Alarm Started", "vehicleDetectionStop": "Vehicle Detection Alarm Stopped", "fireDetectionStart": "Fire and Smoke Detection Start", "fireDetectionStop": "Fire and Smoke Detection End", "thermometryAlarmBegin": "Temperature Measurement Alarm Started", "thermometryAlarmEnd": "Temperature Measurement Alarm Stopped", "thermometryEarlyWarningBegin": "Temperature Measurement Pre-Alarm Started", "thermometryEarlyWarningEnd": "Temperature Measurement Pre-Alarm Stopped", "thermometryDiffAlarmBegin": "Temperature Difference Alarm Started", "thermometryDiffAlarmEnd": "Temperature Difference Alarm Stopped", "VQDAlarmStart": "Video Quality Diagnostics Alarm Started", "VQDAlarmStop": "Video Quality Diagnostics Alarm Stopped", "humanRecognitionStart": "Target Capture Alarm Started", "humanRecognitionEnd": "Target Capture Alarm Ended", "facesnapMatchAlarmStart": "Successful face picture comparison alarm started.", "facesnapMatchAlarmStop": "Successful face picture comparison alarm ended.", "whitelistFacesnapMatchAlarmStart": "Stranger Face Picture Comparison Alarm Started", "whitelistFacesnapMatchAlarmStop": "Stranger Face Picture Comparison Alarm Ended", "PersonDensityDetectionStart": "People Density Overload Alarm Started", "PersonDensityDetectionEnd": "People Density Overload Alarm Stopped", "HFPDAlarmStart": "Frequently Appeared Person Alarm Started", "HFPDAlarmStop": "Frequently Appeared Person Alarm Stopped", "accessControllerEvent": "Access Control Host Event", "videoIntercomEvent": "Video Intercom Device Event", "GJDEvent": "GJD Alarm Host Event", "LuminateEvent": "Luminite Alarm Host Event", "OPTEXEvent": "OPTEX Alarm Host Event", "personQueueTimeAlarmBegin": "Waiting Time Detection Alarm Started", "personQueueTimeAlarmEnd": "Waiting Time Detection Alarm Stopped", "personQueueCountingAlarmBegin": "Regional People Queuing-Up Alarm Started", "personQueueCountingAlarmEnd": "Regional People Queuing-Up Alarm Stopped", "leavePositionStart": "Absence detection alarm started.", "leavePositionStop": "Absence detection alarm ended.", "peopleNumChangeStart": "Number of people exception detection started.", "peopleNumChangeStop": "Number of people exception detection ended.", "runningStart": "People running detection started.", "runningStop": "People running detection ended.", "violentMotionStart": "Violent motion detection started.", "violentMotionStop": "Violent motion detection ended.", "failDownStart": "People falling down detection started.", "failDownStop": "People falling down detection ended.", "retentionStart": "People overstay detection started.", "retentionStop": "People overstay detection ended.", "safetyHelmetAlarmStart": "Hard hat detection alarm started.", "safetyHelmetAlarmStop": "Hard hat detection alarm ended.", "mixedTargetDetectStart": "Multi-Target-Type detection started.", "mixedTargetDetectStop": "Multi-Target-Type detection ended.", "securityControlPanelEvent": "Hikvision Security Control Panel Event", "shipsDetection": "Ship Detection", "detectorSmokeAlarmStart": "Smoke Detection Started", "detectorSmokeAlarmStop": "Smoke Detection Stopped", "smokeAndFireAlarmStart": "Smoke Detection Started", "smokeAndFireAlarmStop": "Smoke Detection Stopped", "detectorTemperatureAlarmStart": "Temperature Detection Started", "detectorTemperatureAlarmStop": "Temperature Detection Stopped", "detectorShelterAlarmStart": "Detector Shelter Detection Started", "detectorShelterAlarmStop": "Detector Shelter Detection Stopped", "detectorMotionAlarmStart": "Detector Motion Detection Started", "detectorMotionAlarmStop": "Detector Motion Detection Stopped", "detectorRunningStatusStart": "Detector Running Detection Started", "detectorRunningStatusStop": "Detector Running Detection Stopped", "offDutyStart": "Off Duty Detection Started", "offDutyStop": "Off Duty Detection Stopped", "indoorPasswayBlockStart": "Indoor Passway Block Detection Started", "indoorPasswayBlockStop": "Indoor Passway Block Detection Stopped", "batteryCarDisobeyStart": "Battery Car Disobey Detection Started", "batteryCarDisobeyStop": "Battery Car Disobey Detection Stopped", "fireSmartFireDetectStart": "Fireworks Detection Started", "fireSmartFireDetectStop": "Fireworks Detection Stopped", "PTEvents": "More Events", "facesnapMatchFailureStart": "Failed face picture comparison alarm started.", "facesnapMatchFailureEnd": "Failed face picture comparison alarm ended." }, "AllDire": "Bidirectional", "CHNProvAbbr": "Province/State Abbreviation", "DD MM YYYY": "DD MM YYYY", "DD-MM-YYYY": "DD-MM-YYYY", "DD/MM/YYYY": "DD/MM/YYYY", "DNSSrvError": "Server Config error", "DomainConflict": "Name Used", "ExceptionOption": { "anrRecordException": "ANR Record Exception", "dialException": "Dialing Exception", "hdError": "HDD Error", "hdFull": "HDD Full", "illlegealAccess": "Illegal Login", "ipConflict": "IP Conflict", "ipcDisconnect": "IP Camera Disconnect", "ipcIpConfilict": "IPC IP Conflict", "ipcmCrash": "IPCM Abnormal Reboot", "netBroken": "Network Breakdown", "recordError": "Record/Capture Exception", "recordOverFLow": "Record Buffer Overflow", "spareException": "Hot Spare Exception", "startIpcMasException": "IP Camera Motion Analysis Exception", "uploadDataCsException": "Data Upload Exception", "viAndResMismatch": "Camera/Recording Resolution Mismatch", "videoException": "Video Exception", "videoFormatMismatch": "Input/Output Video Standard Mismatch", "videoLost": "Video Loss Alarm", "syncIPCPasswd": "Password Synchronize Exception", "ezvizOffline": "CIVIL Offline Exception", "plateAbnormal": "Extended circuit board error", "abnormalPort": "Port Exception", "POC": "POC Module Error", "vcaCameraAngleAnomaly": "Camera Image Exception", "dataDiskError": "Data HDD Error", "intelligentSystemRunningError": "Smart System Abnormal", "facesnapResolutionOverflow": "Resolution of face capturing stream exceeds the upper limit.", "SMDResolutionOverflow": "Resolution of SMD stream exceeds the upper limit.", "clusterOfflineNodeException": "Device is offline", "clusterRecordCycleException": "Recording period is insufficient", "clusterIPCTransferException": "IPC migration failed.", "vcaSenceException": "Smart ATM Scene Exception", "poePowerException": "PoE Power supply exception.", "getSubStreamFailure": "Failed to get sub-stream.", "hddSHMDetectException": "HDD SHM detection error.", "safetyHelmetException": "Hard hat detection alarm exception.", "faceModelException": "Intelligent System Synchronization Exception.", "deviceFortifyFailure": "Arming IP Channel Failed", "eventUploadException": "Alarm Upload Failed", "highHDTemperature": "HDD Overheat", "lowHDTemperature": "HDD Low Temperature", "hdBadBlock": "HDD has bad sectors.", "hdImpact": "HDD Shock", "severeHDFailure": "HDD Severe Failure", "vcaPicLengthOverFlow": "Uploaded VCA picture SizeException", "clusterConfigFailed": "Configuring NVR in cluster failed.", "clusterStorFullException": "Cluster Overwrite.", "ezvizUpgradeException": "Hik-Connect Upgrade Exception", "logException": "Log disk Exception", "ezvizOperationAbnormal": "Hik-Connect Operation Abnormal", "picRecError": "Capture failed", "imageCaptureStreamError": "Timing capture fails due to abnormal code stream", "imageCapturePerformanceError": "Timed capture failed due to performance exceeding", "SSDException": "SSD Exception", "SSDTemperatureAbnormal": "SSD Temperature Abnormal", "SSDLifeTimeAbnormal": "SSD Life Time Abnormal", "cloudStorageException": "Cloud Storage Exception", "VMDResolutionOverflow": "The stream resolution for motion detection exceeded the limit.", "VMDHumanVehicleCodingParameterAbnormal": "Encoding Parameter Exception" }, "FilterByActual": "Actual Size ", "FilterByPixel": "Pixel", "FilterType": "Filter by", "InformationOption": { "maintenanceUnexecuted": "Maintenance Not Executed", "anrRecordStart": "ANR Record Started", "anrRecordStop": "ANR Record Stopped", "delExpiredRec": "Delete Expired Video File", "dialStat": "Dial Status", "hddInfo": "Local HDD Information", "ipcAnrTimeAdd": "Add IP Camera ANR Time Duration", "ipcAnrTimeDel": "Delete IP Camera ANR Time Duration", "nasInfo": "NetHDD Information", "platInfo": "Platform Information", "raidInfo": "RAID", "runStatusInfo": "System Running State", "smartInfo": "S.M.A.R.T. Information", "spareClientInfo": "Working Device Information", "startPic": "Start Capture", "startRec": "Start Recording", "stopPic": "Stop Capture", "stopRec": "Stop Recording", "ipcConnect": "ipc connection", "intelligentBoardStatus": "Smart Board Status", "timing": "Time Synchronization", "ipcConnectStatus": "IP Camera Connection Status", "doubleVerificationPass": "Double Verification Passed", "hdFormatStart": "Formatting HDD Started", "hdFormatStop": "Formatting HDD Ended", "dataReconstructionStart": "Rebuilding Database Started", "dataReconstructionStop": "Rebuilding Database Stopped", "spareStartBackup": "Backup Started", "spareStopBackup": "Backup Stopped", "ezvizRunStatusInfo": "CIVIL Cloud Running Status", "ClusterDeviceOnline": "Bring NVR in Cluster Online", "clusterMgrServiceStartup": "Start Cluster Management Service", "clusterBusinessTransfer": "Migrate Cluster Business", "clusterStatus": "Cluster Status", "AuthenticationFailure": "802.1x Verification Failed", "ezvizLinkageInfo": "Hik-Connect Linkage Info", "noPicInFaceDetectionOrFaceSnapAlarm": "Face events (face detection & face capture) no pictures", "recordStop": "Stop Recording Info" }, "IntelliBehavior": "Behavior Analysis", "IntelliFaceCapture": "Face Capture", "Laneoppisite": "The location of the lane line is incorrect.", "Left2Right": "A-to-B", "MM DD YYYY": "MM DD YYYY", "MM-DD-YYYY": "MM-DD-YYYY", "MM/DD/YYYY": "MM/DD/YYYY", "MaxSize": "Max. Size ", "MinSize": "Min. Size ", "NetFaultTolerance": "Net Fault-Tolerance", "Null": "None", "OSDSettings": "OSD Settings", "OSDSize": "OSD Font", "OperationOption": { "alarmSmsSend": "Send Alarm Messages", "callOnline": "Auto Dial-up via Calling", "devicePowerOff": "Local Operation: Shutdown", "devicePowerOn": "Power On", "deviceRecycle": "Local Operation: Reboot", "localAddIpc": "Local Operation: Add IP Camera", "localAddNas": "Local: Add NetHDD", "localCfgPara": "Local Operation: Configure Parameters", "localCtrlPtz": "Local Operation: PTZ Control", "localDelIpc": "Local Operation: Delete IP Camera", "localDelNas": "Local: Delete NetHDD", "localDial": "Local: Enable/Disable Wireless Dial-up", "localDialParaSet": "Local: Configure Wireless Dial-up Parameters", "localDialScheduleSet": "Local: Configure Wireless Dial-up Schedule", "localDownloadCfgFile": "Local Operation: Export Config File", "localDownloadCountingFile": "Local Operation: Export Counting File", "localDownloadHeatMapFile": "Local Operation: Export Heat Map File", "localDownloadPicFile": "Local Operation: Export Picture File", "localDownloadRecFile": "Local Operation: Export Record File", "localExportBlackWhiteListFile": "Local: Export Blocklist & Allowlist", "localExportIpcCfg": "Local Operation: Export IP Camera File", "localFormatDisk": "Local Operation: Initialize HDD", "localHdTest": "Local Operation: HDD Detect", "localImportBlackWhiteListFile": "Local: Import Blocklist & Allowlist", "localImportIpcCfg": "Local Operation: Import IP Camera File", "localIpcUpgrade": "Local Operation: Upgrade IP Camera Firmware", "localLock": "Lock", "localLockFile": "Local Operation: Lock File", "localLogOut": "Local Operation: Logout", "localLogin": "Local Operation: Login", "localManulAlarm": "Local Operation: Trigger Alarm Output", "localPin": "Local: Configure PIN", "localPlayByFile": "Local Operation: Playback By File", "localPlayByTime": "Local Operation: Playback By Time", "localResetPasswd": "Local Operation: Restore Admin's Password", "localSetIpc": "Local: Set IP Camera", "localSetNas": "Local: Set NetHDD", "localSetSIPServer": "Local: Configure SIP Server", "localSetSnmp": "Local Operation: Configure SNMP", "localSmsRead": "Local: View Messages", "localSmsSearch": "Local: Search Messages", "localSmsSend": "Local: Send Message", "localSpareOperate": "Local Operation: Add/Delete Working Device", "localStartPicRec": "Local Operation: Start Capture", "localStartRec": "Local Operation: Start Recording", "localStopPicRec": "Local Operation: Stop Capture", "localStopRec": "Local Operation: Stop Recording", "localTagOperation": "Local Operation: Operate Tag", "localUnlock": "Unlock", "localUnlockFile": "Local Operation: Unlock File", "localUpdate": "Upgrade local", "localUploadCfgFile": "Local Operation: Import Config File", "localWhitelistSet": "Local: Configure Allowlist", "localSVCFrameExtractingStorage":"Local: Storage Optimization Configuration", "localAutoSwitchConfig": "Local Configuration:Schedule Reboot", "localImportFalseAlarmPic": "Local: Imported Pictures to Self-Learning Library", "localDeleteMaterialLibPic": "Local: Deleted Pictures in Self-Learning Library", "localFalseAlarmAnalysisEnabledCfg": "Local: False Alarm Analysis Configuration", "localModifyMaterialPicCfg": "Local: False Alarm Library Upgrade", "remoteImportFalseAlarmPic": "Remote: Imported Pictures to Self-Learning Library", "remoteDeleteMaterialLibPic": "Remote: Deleted Pictures in Self-Learning Library", "remoteFalseAlarmAnalysisEnabledCfg": "Remote: False Alarm Analysis Configuration", "remoteModifyMaterialPicCfg": "Remote: False Alarm Library Upgrade", "channelDisturbConfig":"Channel Mute and Not Disturb Configuration", "platOper": "Platform Operations", "remoteAutoSwitchConfig": "Remote Configuration:Schedule Reboot", "remoteSVCFrameExtractingStorage":"Remote: Storage Optimization Configuration", "remoteAddIpc": "Remote Operation: Add IP Camera", "remoteAddNas": "Remote: Add NetHDD", "remoteArm": "Remote Operation: Alarm Arming", "remoteCfgPara": "Remote Settings", "remoteCreateCloudStoragePool": "Remote Operation: Create Storage Pool", "remoteCtrlPtz": "Remote Operation: PTZ Control", "remoteDelHdisk": "Remote Operation: Delete HDD", "remoteDelIpc": "Remote Operation: Delete IP Camera", "remoteDelNas": "Remote: Delete NetHDD", "remoteDeleteCloudStoragePool": "Remote Operation: Delete Storage Pool", "remoteDeletePic": "Remote Operation: Delete Pictures", "remoteDeleteRecord": "Remote Operation: Delete Record Files", "remoteDialConnect": "Remote: Enable Wireless Dial-up", "remoteDialDisconn": "Remote: Disable Wireless Dial-up", "remoteDialParaSet": "Remote: Configure Wireless Dial-up Parameters", "remoteDialScheduleSet": "Remote: Configure Wireless Dial-up Schedule", "remoteDisArm": "Remote Operation: Alarm Disarming", "remoteDisableCloudStorage": "Remote Operation: Disable Cloud System", "remoteDownloadCfgFile": "Remote Operation: Export Config File", "remoteDownloadRecFile": "Remote Operation: Export Record File", "remoteEnableCloudStorage": "Remote Operation: Enable Cloud System", "remoteExportBlackWhiteListFile": "Remote: Export Blocklist & Allowlist", "remoteExportIpcCfg": "Remote Operation: Export IP Camera File", "remoteFormatHd": "Remote Operation: Initialize HDD", "remoteGetPara": "Remote Operation: Obtain Parameters", "remoteGetStatus": "Remote Operation: Obtain Working Status", "remoteImportBlackWhiteListFile": "Remote: Import Blocklist & Allowlist", "remoteImportIpcCfg": "Remote Operation: Import IP Camera File", "remoteLoadHdisk": "Remote Operation: Load HDD", "remoteLockFile": "Remote Operation: Lock File", "remoteLogin": "Remote Operation: Login", "remoteLogout": "Remote Operation: Logout", "remoteManulAlarm": "Remote Operation: Trigger Alarm Output", "remoteModCloudStorageParam": "Remote Operation: Set Storage Pool Parameters", "remoteModCloudStorageVolume": "Remote Operation: Set Storage Pool Capacity", "remotePicBackUp": "Remote Operation: Export Picture File", "remotePin": "Remote: Configure PIN", "remotePlayByFile": "Remote: Playback by File", "remotePlayByTime": "Remote: Playback by Time", "remotePowerOff": "Remote Operation: Shutdown", "remotePowerRecycle": "Remote Operation: Reboot", "remoteSetIpc": "Remote Operation: Set IP Camera", "remoteSetNas": "Remote: Set NetHDD", "remoteSetSIPServer": "Remote: Configure SIP Server", "remoteSetSnmp": "Remote Operation: Configure SNMP", "remoteSmsRead": "Remote: View Messages", "remoteSmsSearch": "Remote: Search Messages", "remoteSmsSend": "Remote: Send Message", "remoteSpareOperate": "Remote Operation: Add/Delete Working Device", "remoteStartPicRec": "Remote Operation: Start Capture", "remoteStartRec": "Remote Operation: Start Recording", "remoteStartTransChan": "Connect Transparent Channel", "remoteStopPicRec": "Remote Operation: Stop Capture", "remoteStopRec": "Remote Operation: Stop Recording", "remoteStopTransChan": "Disconnect Transparent Channel", "remoteTagOperation": "Remote Operation: Operate Tag", "remoteUnloadHdisk": "Remote Operation: Unload HDD", "remoteUnlockFile": "Remote Operation: Unlock File", "remoteUpgrade": "Remote: Upgrade / Format", "remoteUploadCfgFile": "Remote Operation: Import Config File", "remoteWhitelistSet": "Remote: Configure Allowlist", "remotelIpcUpgrade": "Remote Operation: Upgrade IP Camera Firmware", "smsControl": "Auto Dial-up via Message", "smsRecv": "Receive Messages", "startVoiceTalk": "Start Two-way Audio", "stopAbnormal": "Abnormal Shutdown", "stopVoiceTalk": "Stop Two-way Audio", "localSetDeviceActive": "Local: Activate Device", "localParamSimpleDefault": "Local: Simply Restore the Settings", "localParamFactoryDefault": "Local: Restore to Default Settings", "remoteSetDeviceActive": "Remote: Activate Device", "remoteParamSimpleDefault": "Remote: Simply Restore the Settings", "remoteParamFactoryDefault": "Remote: Restore to Default Settings", "localWPSLink": "Local: WPS Connection", "remoteWPSLink": "Remote: WPS Connection", "localResetLoginPassWord": "Local: Reset Password", "remoteResetLoginPassWord": "Remote: Reset Password", "localVcaAnalysisConfig": "Local Operation: Configure Smart Analysis", "remoteVcaAnalysisConfig": "Remote Operation: Configure Smart Analysis", "localSetPoeWorkMode": "Local Operation: Set PoE Working Mode", "remoteSetPoeWorkMode": "Remote Operation: Set PoE Working Mode", "localCheckTime": "Local Manual Time Sync", "remoteCheckTime": "Remote Manual Time Sync", "remoteFaceContrastTask": "Remote face picture comparison task configuration.", "localAddressFilterConfig": "Local Address Filtering Settings", "remoteAddressFilterConfig": "Remote Address Filtering Settings", "remoteResetChannelPassword": "Reset Camera Password Remotely", "localResetChannelPassword": "Reset Camera Password Locally", "localPOEconfig": "Local POE Settings", "remotePOEconfig": "Remote POE Settings", "localfaceBaseCreate": "Local: Create Face Picture Library", "localfaceBaseModify": "Local: Modify Face Picture Library", "localfaceBaseDelete": "Local: Delete Face Picture Library", "localfaceDataAppend": "Local Operation: Import Face Picture", "localfaceDataEdit": "Local Operation: Modify Face Picture", "localfaceDataDelete": "Local Operation: Delete Face Picture", "localfaceBaseImport": "Local Operation: Import Face Picture Library", "localfaceBaseExport": "Local Operation: Export Face Picture Library", "localClusterNetworkConfig": "Local Operation: NVR in Cluster Configuration", "localClusterAddDevice": "Local Operation: Add NVR to Cluster", "localClusterDelDevice": "Local Operation: Delete NVR in Cluster", "localIOTCfgFileInput": "Local: Import IoT config file.", "localIOTCfgFileOutput": "Local: Export IoT config file.", "localIOTAdd": "Local Operation: Add IoT Channel", "localIOTDelete": "Local Operation: Delete IoT Channel", "localIOTSet": "Local: Configure IoT channel.", "remotefaceBaseCreate": "Remote Operation: Create Face Picture Library", "remotefaceBaseModify": "Remote Operation: Modify Face Picture Library", "remotefaceBaseDelete": "Remote Operation: Delete Face Picture Library", "remotefaceDataAppend": "Remote Operation: Import Face Picture", "remotefaceDataEdit": "Remote Operation: Modify Face Picture", "remotefaceDataDelete": "Remote Operation: Delete Face Picture", "remoteClusterNetworkConfig": "Remote Operation: NVR in Cluster Configuration", "remoteClusterAddDevice": "Remote Operation: Add NVR to Cluster", "remoteClusterDelDevice": "Remote Operation: Delete NVR in Cluster", "remoteIOTCfgFileInput": "Remote: Import IoT config file.", "remoteIOTCfgFileOutput": "Remote: Export IoT config file.", "remoteIOTAdd": "Remote Operation: Add IoT Channel", "remoteIOTDelete": "Remote Operation: Delete IoT Channel", "remoteIOTSet": "Remote: Configure IoT channel.", "localChannelOrdered": "Sort Channel", "LocalEzvizOperation": "Local Hik-Connect Operation", "RemoteEzvizOperation": "Remote Hik-Connect Operation", "ezvizBitstreamParamatersConfig": "Hik-Connect Bitstream Paramaters Config", "ezvizAlarmParamatersConfig": "Hik-Connect Alarm Paramaters Config", "ezvizUpgrade": "Hik-Connect Upgrade", "ezvizRegister": "Hik-Connect Register", "ezvizLocalParamatersConfig": "Local Hik-Connect Paramaters Config", "ezvizRemoteParamatersConfig": "Remote Hik-Connect Paramaters Config", "SVCEnhanced": "SVC Configuration", "remoteOpenSVCEnhance": "Remote:Open SVC Enhanced", "localOpenSVCEnhance": "Local: Open SVC Enhanced", "remoteCloseSVCEnhance": "Remote: Close SVC Enhanced", "localCloseSVCEnhance": "Local: Close SVC Enhanced", "localAlgoPackageScheduling": "Local:Algorithm Package Scheduling", "remoteAlgoPackageScheduling": "Remote:Algorithm Package Scheduling", "channelCustomAudio": "Channel Custom Audio", "SSDLocalFormatStart": "Local SSD Initialization Started", "SSDLocalFormatStop": "Local SSD Initialization Stopped", "SSDRemoteFormatStart": "Remote SSD Initialization Started", "SSDRemoteFormatStop": "Remote SSD Initialization Stopped", "SSDSelfreparing": "SSD Self Reparing", "SSDSecureErase": "SSD Secure Erase", "channelSorting": "Sort Channel" }, "ROIEnable": "Enable Face ROI", "ROITips": "Setting the stream type as H.264 is required to make sure the ROI functioning.", "ResourceDesc": "Only one VCA type takes effect at a time.", "ResourceType": "Resource Type", "Right2Left": "B-to-A", "SceneDefault": "Scene", "SceneIntelliRule": "Rule", "SceneNameParam": "Parameter", "SceneParam": "Scene Parameters", "SceneRuleLinkage": "Alarm Linkage", "SceneRuleSchedule": "Arming Schedule", "SignedCertificateInstall": "Install Signed Certificate", "VCA": "VCA", "YYYY MM DD": "YYYY MM DD", "YYYY-MM-DD": "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY/MM/DD": "YYYY/MM/DD", "abnormalDetection": "Exception Detection", "accessServerIp": "Server IP Address", "accessServerPort": "Server Port", "accessServerURL": "Server URL", "acsPassword": "ACS Password", "acsUserName": "ACS User Name", "addIPAddr": "Add IP Address", "addNewScene": "New Scene", "addUser": "Add user", "adding": "Adding...", "addingMethod": "Adding Method", "administrator": "Admin", "advanceParam": "Advanced Configuration", "advanced": "Advanced", "advancedParam": "Advanced", "advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings", "alarm": "Alarm", "alarmCenterAddress": "Alarm Host IP", "alarmCenterPort": "Alarm Host Port", "alarmInNum": "Number of Alarm Input", "alarmInput": "Alarm Input", "alarmInputId": "Alarm Input ID", "alarmInputNo": "Alarm Input No.", "alarmName": "Alarm Name", "alarmOutNum": "Number of Alarm Output", "alarmOutput": "Alarm Output", "alarmOutputNo": "Alarm Output No.", "alarmStatus": "Alarm Status", "alarmType": "Alarm Type", "algorithmParam": "Parameters", "allEvaluaing": "All-Evaluation", "allEvaluaingBadsectors": "Bad Sectors", "allEvaluaingFault": "HDD is going to fail", "allEvaluaingFunctional": "Functional", "allowed": "Allow", "alternateDNS": "Alternate DNS Server", "analogConfig": "Analog Camera", "apr": "Apr", "areaSet": "Area Settings", "armSchedule": "Arming Schedule", "array": "Virtual Disk", "attachedImage": "Attached Image", "attendedBaggageType": "Pick up", "attribute": "Character", "audio": "Audio", "audioLossDetection": "Audio Input Exception", "audioRec": "Record Audio:", "aug": "Aug", "authentication": "Authentication", "authenticationFail": "Auth fail", "autoAddIpc": "Auto Add IP Camera", "autoFill": "Auto-fill", "autoStartLiveView": "Auto Start Live View", "automatic": "Auto", "badBlock": "Damaged", "badBlockTest": "Bad Sector Detection", "basicEvent": "Basic Event", "basicInfo": "Basic Information", "basicProfile": "Basic Profile", "basicSettings": "Basic Settings", "baudRate": "Baud Rate", "bgColor": "Background Color", "bgUpdateRate": "Background Update Rate", "blockArea": "Shield Area", "blockCapacity": "Block Size", "bottomCenter": "Bottom Center", "brightRef": "Reference Brightness", "brightness": "Brightness", "btnCalculate": "Calibrate", "btnDrawDetectLine": "Draw Line", "btnSentity": "Sensitivity", "btnVerifyHorizontal": "Horizontal Verify", "btnVerifyVertical": "Vertical Verify", "byDate": "By Date", "byMonth": "By Month", "byWeek": "By Week", "calibraResult": "Calibration Result", "cameraCabliion": "Camera Calibration", "cameraExist": "The camera is exist.", "cameraId": "Channel ID", "cameraManagement": "Camera Management", "cameraName": "Camera Name ", "cameraNo": "Device No.", "capacity": "Capacity", "captureInterval": "Interval", "captureStopTrack": "Stop Tracking after Face Detected", "captureThreshold": "Capture Threshold", "captureTimeInterval": "Capture Interval ", "captureTimes": "Capture Times ", "carType": "Vehicle Mode", "certificateDetail": "Certificate Details", "certificateInstall": "Install Certificate", "certificateReqDelete": "Delete Certificate Request", "certificateReqDownLoad": "Download Certificate Request", "channelId": "Channel ID", "channelLimit": "The number of Channels has reached the limit", "channelNoConflict": "Channel No. conflict", "channelNum": "Number of Channels", "channelNumLimit": "The number of Channels has reached the limit", "channelZero": "Channel-Zero", "childDirectory": "Child Directory", "clear": "Clear", "clearAlarm": "Clear Alarm", "clearAll": "Clear All", "clearBlock": "Clear", "clearDrawArea": "Clear all areas?", "cloudStorage": "Cloud Storage", "cloudStorageEnable": "Enable Cloud", "communicationFailed": "Communication to server failed", "confirmCamera": "Setting failed, please confirm the camera:", "connHostSrvfail": "Domain name resolution server message failed", "connServerfail": "Connecting server failed.", "console": "Console", "contrast": "Contrast", "conveyanceType": "Conveyance Test", "copyTo": "Copy to...", "correctionMode": "Correction Mode", "cpatureSensitivity": "Sensitivity", "cpePassword": "CPE Password", "cpeUserName": "CPE User Name", "create": "Create", "createCertificateReq": "Create Certificate Request", "createSelfCertificate": "Create Self-signed Certificate", "crossDirection": "Line Crossing", "cruiseOrder": "Patrol Sequence", "cruiseParam": "Scene Auto-switch", "customProtocol": "Protocol Customization", "dataBit": "Data Bit", "dateFormat": "Date Format", "days": "Day(s)", "dayTips": "Date", "ddnsType": "DDNS Type", "dec": "Dec", "default": "Default", "defaultGateWay": "IPv4 Default Gateway", "defaultStatus": "Default Status", "defaultV6GateWay": "IPv6 Default Gateway", "defocusDetection": "Defocus", "delay": "Delay", "deleteAll": "Delete All", "deleteFailed": "Deletion failed.", "deleteUser": "Delete this user?", "deleting": "Deleting...", "denoise": "Denoising", "detectCameraConfig": "Camera", "detectParam": "Detection Parameters", "detectScene": "Scene No.", "deviceBusy": "Device is busy.", "deviceChanNo": "Channel Port", "deviceDomain": "Domain", "deviceFormat": "The device is formatting.", "deviceHeartCycle": "Heartbeat Cycle", "deviceIpAdd": "IPv4 Address", "deviceIpV6Add": "IPv6 Address", "deviceModel": "Device Model", "deviceName": "Device Name", "deviceParam": "Device Parameters", "devicePppoeIp": "Dynamic IP", "deviceTime": "Device Time", "deviceUID": "Device ID", "deviceUpgrading": "Upgrading", "dhcp": "DHCP", "digitalChannnelConfig": "IP Camera", "dimLight": "Dim Light", "dirSensitivity": "Direction Detection Sensitivity ", "directoryStructure": "Directory Structure", "diskNo": "HDD No.", "displayDate": "Display Date", "displayInfoOnStream": "Display Info. on Stream", "displayMode": "Display Mode", "displayName": "Display Name", "displaySettings": "Display Settings", "displayWeek": "Display Week", "dnsServerConfig": "DNS Server", "domainConflicted": "Domain Conflicted", "downloadFilePath": "Save downloaded files to", "drawArea": "Draw Area", "drawBlock": "Draw Area", "drawPlateRecogRegion": "Draw Detection Area", "drawRuleArea": "Draw Area", "dst": "DST", "dstBias": "DST Bias", "dstMonthCannotSame": "The start month of DST can not be same with the end month.", "edit": "Edit", "email": "Email", "emailLink": "Send Email", "enable": "Enabled", "enableABF": "Enable ABF", "enableAnr": "Enable ANR", "enableAntiShield": "Force Tracking", "enableAutoDefog": "Enable Auto-defog", "enableCalibration": "Camera Calibration", "enableCaptureFace": "Enable Face Capture", "enableChannelZeroEncoding": "Enable Channel-Zero Encoding", "enableDST": "Enable DST", "enableDdns": "Enable DDNS", "enableDynamicAnalysis": "Enable Dynamic Analysis for Face Detection", "enableFaceDetection": "Enable Face Detection", "enableFastMoveDetect": "Enable Fast Moving Detection", "enableFlowControl": "Enable Flow Control", "enableFtp": "Enable FTP", "enableGlobalSizeFilter": "Global Size Filter", "enableHddSleeping": "Enable HDD Sleeping", "enableHighLight": "Enable Dynamic Analysis for Motion", "enableIPFilter": "Enable IP Address Filter", "enableIRLight": "Enable IR Light", "enableIntrusionDetect": "Enable Intrusion Detection", "enableLineCrossDetect": "Enable Line Crossing Detection", "enableLoiterDetect": "Enable Loitering Detection", "enableMotion": "Enable Motion Detection", "enableNAT": "Enable NAT", "enableObjectRemovalDetect": "Enable Object Removal Detection", "enableOverWrite": "Enable Overwriting", "enableParkDetect": "Enable Parking Detection", "enablePeopleGatherDetect": "Enable People Gathering Detection", "enablePppoe": "Enable PPPoE", "enablePrivacyMask": "Enable Privacy Mask", "enableRegionEntranceDetect": "Enable Region Entrance Detection", "enableRegionExitDetect": "Enable Region Exiting Detection", "enableRule": "Rule", "enableSDK": "Enable SDK", "enableSSH": "Enable SSH", "enableSSL": "Enable SSL", "enableStream": "Enable Stream", "enableSupplyLight": "Enable Supplement Light", "enableTelnet": "Enable Telnet", "enableUPnP": "Enable UPnP™", "enableUnattendedBaggageDetect": "Enable Unattended Baggage Detection", "enableV2c": "Enable SNMP v2c", "enableVSB": "Enable VSB", "enableVehicleDetect": "Enable Vehicle Detection", "enableVideoLoss": "Enable Video Loss Detection", "enableVideoTamper": "Enable Video Tampering", "enableVirtualHost": "Enable Virtual Host", "encoderVersion": "Encoding Version", "hardwareVersion": "Hardware Version", "encryptionKey": "Encryption Key", "endDate": "End Date", "equalLength": "The item consists of %s numerics.", "errorInfo": "Error Information", "errorNums": "Error Count", "even": "Even", "eventTrigger": "Event-Triggered", "example": "Example", "exception": "Exception", "exceptionType": "Exception Type", "expDurationTime": "Min. Duration ", "expandedType": "Expanded Test", "exportCfgFailed": "Exporting configuration file failed.", "exportCfgFile": "Export", "exportCfgSucceeded": "Exporting configuration file succeeded.", "exportLogFailed": "Exporting logs failed.", "exposureEnabled": "Face Exposure", "externalIp": "External IP Address", "externalPort": "External Port", "ezvizCloud": "Hik-Connect", "faceParam": "Face Capture Advanced Parameters", "failedToSetParam": "Failed to set parameters.", "feb": "Feb", "fieldDetectionType": "Intrusion", "filePath": "File Path", "firmware": "Firmware Version", "firmwareVersion": "Firmware Version", "first": "First", "firstIPSegment": "Specify the first IP segment between 1 and 223.", "flowCtrl": "Flow Control", "forbidden": "Forbid", "format": "Format", "formatRo": "Initialization failed. No read-only HDD (s) can be selected.", "formatting": "Formatting", "formattingWait": "Formatting…please wait…", "fourth": "Fourth", "frameRate": "Frame Rate", "frameType": "Frame Type", "freeSpace": "Remaining Space", "ftpProtocol": "FTP Protocol", "fullDup10": "10M Full-dup", "fullDup100": "100M Full-dup", "fullDup1000": "1000M Full-dup", "fullRestore": "Default", "fullRestoreExplain": "Restore all device parameters to default settings.", "fullTest": "Full Detection", "getParam": "View", "groupType": "Personnel aggregation", "hDDError": "HDD Error", "hDDFull": "HDD Full", "hDDManagement": "HDD Management", "hDDNum": "Number of HDDs", "halfDup10": "10M Half-dup", "halfDup100": "100M Half-dup", "hddCapacity": "HDD Capacity", "hddManage": "HDD Management", "hddNotEdit": "HDD property cannot be edited in current storage mode", "hddTest": "HDD Detection", "hddTestAbort": "Cancelled", "hddTestAborted": "Aborted", "hddTestComplete": "Finished.", "hddTestElectronicError": "Electronic element error", "hddTestExceed": "Aborted (too many bad sectors)", "hddTestFailed": "Failed", "hddTestInterrupted": "Interrupted", "hddTestNotRecognized": "Hard disk not recognized", "hddTestNotTested": "Not tested", "hddTestOk": "Self-test succeeded", "hddTestPaused": "Paused", "hddTestProgress": "Self-testing...", "hddTestReadFailed": "Read operation failed", "hddTestServoError": "Servo error", "hddTestType": "Test Type", "hddTestUnkown": "Unknown error.", "hddTestings": "Testing...", "heartbeatPeriod": "Heartbeat Period", "highLevel": "High Level", "highProfile": "High ", "higher": "Higher", "highest": "Highest", "holiday": "Holiday", "holidayName": "Holiday Name", "holidaySetting": "Holiday Settings", "holidayTips": "The periods of holiday cannot be overlapped", "hostnameOrIp": "Hostname/IP", "hotSpareException": "Hot Spare Exception", "hour": "Hour", "httpPort": "HTTP Port", "httpsPort": "HTTPS Port", "hue": "Hue", "humandetectionType": "Human Body Detection", "hwFlowCtrl": "Hardware", "hwService": "Hardware", "iFrameInterval": "I Frame Interval", "illegalLogin": "Illegal Login", "image": "Image", "imageFormat": "Image Format", "imageSize": "Image Size", "importCfgFailed": "Importing configuration file failed.", "importCfgFile": "Import Config. File", "importCfgSucceeded": "Parameters are imported successfully.", "importParamTip": "Device will reboot automatically after configuring file parameters. Continue?", "importing": "Importing...", "indexNo": "Index No.", "indexValue": "Index Value", "indoor": "Indoor", "innerPD": "Min. Pupil Distance", "inputRealLength": "Actual Length of Calibration Line", "install": "Install", "installCertificate": "Install Generated Certificate", "installCertificateTips": "Signed certificate is available, start the installation directly.", "installReqTips": "Create the certificate request first and continue the installation.", "installType": "Installation Method", "installedCertificate": "Installed Certificate", "intelliInfo": "Overlay & Capture", "intelliResource": "VCA Info", "intelliResourceType": "VCA Resource Type", "intelliTrack": "Zooming Ratio", "internalPort": "Internal Port", "interval": "Interval", "invalid": "Inactive", "invalidAlias": "Name illegal", "invalidPort": "Invalid Port", "invalidUrlOrHttp": "Invalid URL or HTTP Method.", "ipAddrConflicted": "IP Conflicted", "ipAddrError": "IP address error", "ipAddrFilter": "IP Address Filter", "ipAllowedEmpty": "The list of allowed IP addresses is empty. The IP address filtering cannot be enabled.", "ipChanAddress": "IP Address", "ipChanExistTips": "This IP camera already exists", "ipExist": "IP Address has been added, please enter again.", "ipFilter": "IP Address Filter", "ipFilterType": "IP Address Filter Type", "ipcNetworkAbnormal": "Network Abnormal", "ipcParam": "IP Camera Parameters", "ipcPnp": "Network Camera Plug-and-Play", "issuer": "Issuer", "jan": "Jan", "jsVerifyLength": "invalid length.", "jsVerifyLimit": "Verify Lines no less than 4.", "jsVertical": "Vertical Line", "jshorizontal": "Horizontal Line", "jul": "Jul", "jun": "Jun", "laAlgorithmVer": "Version", "laCalibrationType": "Calibration Mode", "laCameraAngel": "Viewing Angle", "laCameraHeight": "Mounting Height", "laCaptureConf": "Capture Settings", "laCaptureResolution": "Picture Resolution", "laCaptureRuleOverlay": "Display Rule Info. on Alarm Picture", "laCaptureTargetOverlay": "Display Target Info. on Alarm Picture", "laDwellTime": "Duration", "laEnableTrack": "Track", "laEnableTrackLimit": "Limited Tracking", "laEnableVerify": "Enable Verification of Camera Calibration", "laGet": "Get", "laGlobalSizeFilter": "Global Size Filter", "laGotoScene": "View", "laHorizonproport": "Horizontal Ratio", "laIntelliAnalysisEnable": "Intelligent Analysis", "laJPEGUpload": "Upload JPEG Image to Center", "laLastTime": "Duration", "laOriginFixed": "Modify Original Picture", "laOriginRuleOverlay": "Display Rule Info. on Original Picture", "laOriginTargetOverlay": "Display Target Info. on Original Picture", "laOverLayInfo": "Display Information", "laPatrolId": "Patrol Sequence", "laPictureOverlay": "Display on Picture", "laPictureQuality": "Picture Quality", "laRealHeight": "Real Length", "laRuleName": "Rule Name", "laRuleType": "Rule Type", "laSet": "Set", "laStreamOverlay": "Display on Stream", "laStreamOverlayInfo": "Display VCA Info. on Stream", "labigerthan": "Should Less Than", "laneLine": "Lane Line %s", "laneLineCross": "The lane lines cannot be crossed.", "laneNo": "Lane Number", "lanoAreaSet": "The region is not configured.", "lanolineSet": "The rule line is not configured.", "last": "Last", "leftLaneLine": "Left Border", "userLevel": "Level", "lightEvidence": "Light Change Suppression", "line": "Line", "lineCross": "Region is invalid, no crossing line is allowed.", "lineDetectionType": "Line Crossing", "linkAlarmOutput": "Trigger Alarm Output", "linkMethod": "Linkage Action", "liveViewConnection": "Live View Connection", "liveViewParam": "Live View Parameters", "loadBalance": "Load Balance", "local": "Local", "localBackup": "Local Video Export", "localCameraManage": "Local Camera Management", "localLog": "Local: Log Search", "localManualOperation": "Local Manual Operation", "localOrRemoteUser": "Local/Remote User", "localPTZCtrl": "Local Operation: PTZ Control", "localParamSet": "Local: Parameters Settings", "localPlayback": "Local Playback", "localReboot": "Local: Shutdown/Reboot", "localSIPPort": "Local SIP Port", "localUpgrade": "Local: Upgrade/Format", "locality": "Locality", "lockPTZ": "Lock", "log": "Log", "logList": "Log List", "loiteringType": "Loitering", "lowLevel": "Low Level", "lower": "Lower", "lowest": "Lowest", "macAddress": "Mac Address", "mainCVBS": "Main CVBS", "mainNic": "Main NIC", "mainProfile": "Medium", "mainStreamEvent": "Main Stream(Event)", "mainStreamNormal": "Main Stream(Normal)", "maintenance": "Maintenance", "majorType": "Major Type", "managePortError": "Management port error", "manualAlarm": "Manual Alarm", "manualTimeSync": "Manual Time Sync.", "mar": "Mar", "maxBitrate": "Max. Bitrate", "maxFrameRate": "Max. Frame Rate", "may": "May", "menuOutput": "Menu Output", "menuOutputMode": "Menu Output Mode", "metedataTest": "Key Area Detection", "minorType": "Sub Type", "mismatch": "Mismatch", "modelMismatch": "Model mismatch", "modify": "Edit", "modifyIPAddr": "Modify IP Address", "modifyUser": "Modify user", "monitorAlarm": "Full Screen Monitoring", "multiAddress": "Multi-address", "multicast": "Multicast Address", "mxHeartBeatTimeout": "Max. Heartbeat Timeout Times", "nasNoSame": "The network disk information cannot be the same.", "natRTCPMap": "RTCP Port Mapping", "natRTPMap": "RTP Port Mapping", "natRTSPMap": "RTSP Port Mapping", "netHDD": "NetHDD", "network": "Network", "networkAbnormal": "Error: network is disconnected or abnormal.", "networkDisconnected": "Network Breakdown", "nicType": "NIC Type", "nicTypeAuto": "Auto", "nmsAccess": "NMS Access", "nmsHeartCycle": "NMS Heartbeat Cycle", "nmsId": "NMS ID", "no": "No", "noCopy": "(cannot copy)", "noFile": "No file.", "noMemory": "No memory", "noPreRecord": "No Pre-record", "noSame": "The item already exists.", "noVCAChannelSupport": "No VCA device available.", "none": "None", "normalClose": "N.C", "normalLink": "Normal Linkage", "normalOpen": "N.O", "notLimited": "Not Limited", "notTransparentFlashing": "Not transparent & Flashing", "notTransparentNotFlashing": "Non-Transparent & Not Flashing", "note": "Note", "notexist": "Not Exist", "nov": "Nov", "ntp": "NTP", "ntpPort": "NTP Port", "oct": "Oct", "odd": "Odd", "okBlock": "Normal", "on": "ON", "onceAlarmEnabled": "Single Alarm", "opByMeter": "Meter", "opByPixel": "Pixel", "opCalibreInput": "Input Basic Data", "opCalibreOnVideo": "Draw on Live Video", "opbest": "High", "operation": "Operation", "operator": "Operator", "opgeneral": "Low", "opgood": "Medium", "organization": "Organization", "organizationalUnit": "Unit", "other": "Other", "outdoor": "Outdoor", "outputMode": "Output Type", "packDuration": "Packet Time", "param28181Uninitialized": "The 28181 parameters have not been initialized. Please restore the device parameters.", "parentDirectory": "Parent Directory", "parity": "Parity", "passwordTips": "Passwords do not match.", "pathToLong": "File path is too long. Please select again.", "patrolId": "Patrol Sequence", "patrolNo": "Patrol No.", "patternNo": "Pattern No. ", "percentage": "Percentage", "picConfig": "Picture", "picMaxSize": "Picture Size", "picQuality": "Picture Quality", "picTextOverLay": "Picture Character Overlay", "pictureClipSettings": "Picture and Clip Settings", "pictureCodecType": "Format", "pictureOverlay": "Picture Overlay", "pictureQuality": "Picture Quality", "plateIden": "Detection Area %s", "plateRecogRegionNoSet": "The plate recognition area is not set.", "platformAccess": "Platform Access", "platformAccessType": "Platform Access Mode", "platformSettings": "Platform Settings", "playPerformance": "Play Performance", "playbackCapturePath": "Save snapshots when playback to", "playbackClipPath": "Save clips to", "playbackMode": "Playback Mode", "plugPlayMode": "Plug-and-Play", "pluginVersion": "Plugin Version", "poEPowerOverload": "PoE Power Overload", "populDensity": "People Gathering Density ", "port": "Port", "portConflict": "The ports conflict.", "portMap": "NAT", "portMapType": "Port Mapping Mode", "portType": "Port Type", "positionInfo": "Camera Info.", "preRecordTime": "Pre-Record:", "presetNo": "Preset No.", "previewCapturePath": "Save snapshots in live view to", "previewLink": "Preview Link Num", "previewMode": "Live View Mode", "previewStrategyMode": "Flow Control Mode", "primaryDNS": "Preferred DNS Server", "privacyMask": "Privacy Mask", "privateParam": "Intrinsic Parameter", "process": "Progress ", "processAlarmInput": "Enable", "profile": "Profile", "protocolError": "Protocol error", "protocolName": "Protocol Name", "ptzAddress": "PTZ Address", "ptzLink": "PTZ Linkage", "ptzProtocol": "PTZ Protocol", "puCmdPort": "PU CMD Port", "puNetType": "PU Net Type", "pulse": "Pulse", "qualityFirst": "Quality", "quickAdd": "Quick Add", "range": "Range %s-%s", "range1": "Range %s, %s-%s", "rapidDistance": "Fast Moving Distance", "rapidMode": "Fast Moving Mode", "rapidMoveType": "Fast Moving", "rate": "Rate", "reachmaxNum": "Up to %s areas are supported.", "readCommunity": "Read SNMP Community", "realtimeVolume": "Real-time Volume", "reboot": "Reboot", "rebootDevice": "Reboot the device.", "receiver": "Receiver", "receiverAddress": "Receiver's Address", "receiverName": "Receiver", "recordAudio": "Enable record audio.", "recordCaptureException": "Record/Capture Exception", "recordDelay": "Post-Record:", "recordFilePath": "Save record files to", "recordFileSettings": "Record File Settings", "recordFileSize": "Record File Size", "recordLink": "Trigger Channel", "recordSchedule": "Record Schedule", "recorderDuration": "Expired Time", "redund": "Redundancy", "redundantRecord": "Redundant Record", "regStatus": "Registration Status", "regUserName": "Register User Name", "regionEntranceType": "Region Entrance", "regionExitingType": "Region Exiting", "registFail": "Register failed", "registHostSuccess": "Register success", "registServerError": "Register Server fail", "remoteAlarm": "Remote: Notify Surveillance Center / Trigger Alarm Output", "remoteCameraManage": "Remote Camera Management", "remoteHostIP": "Remote Host IP", "remoteLog": "Remote: Log Search / Interrogate Working Status", "remoteManualRecord": "Remote: Manual Record", "remoteOutputCtrl": "Remote Video Output Control", "remotePTZCtrl": "Remote Operation: PTZ Control", "remoteParamSet": "Remote: Parameters Settings", "remotePlayback": "Remote: Playback", "remotePreview": "Remote Live View", "remoteRS": "Remote Serial Port Control", "remoteReboot": "Remote: Shutdown / Reboot", "remoteTalk": "Remote: Two-way Audio", "remoteUpgrade": "Remote: Upgrade / Format", "requiredOneRWHDD": "At least one R/W HDD is required to set redundancy. Please try again.", "resetPlatform": "Reset Platform", "resolution": "Resolution", "resolutionMismatch": "Camera/Recording Resolution Mismatch", "restart": "Reboot", "restartBrowser": "Parameters have been modified, please restart your browser!", "restartLibFailed": "Restarting algorithms library failed.", "restartLibSuccess": "Restarting algorithms library succeeded.", "restartVCA": "Restart VCA", "restore": "Simple Restore", "restoreAll": "Restore Defaults", "restoreExplain": "Reset all the parameters, except the IP parameters and user information, to the default settings.", "restoreLib": "Resume", "restoreLibFailed": "Restoring algorithms library failed.", "restoreLibSuccess": "Restoring algorithms library succeeded.", "restoreParam": "Restore Parameters", "restoreSucceeded": "Restore succeeded.", "restoreTip": "Device will reboot automatically after restoring. Continue?", "restoring": "Restoring...", "ro": "Read-only", "rtspAuth": "RTSP Authentication", "rtspPort": "RTSP Port", "ruleConf": "Rule Settings", "ruleList": "Rule List", "rules": "Rules", "rw": "R/W", "saturation": "Saturation", "save": "Save", "saveSceneLocation": "Save", "sceneConf": "Scene Configuration", "sceneLocation": "Scene Position", "sceneName": "Camera No.", "sceneNo": "Scene No.", "scenePatrolTime": "Dwell Time", "scheduleSettings": "Schedule Settings", "sdkPort": "Server Port", "search1": "Search...", "searchFailed": "Searching failed.", "searchNasFailed": "Failed to search NetHDD", "second": "Second", "security": "Security", "securityService": "Security Service", "selectAll": "Select All", "selfEvaluaing": "Self-Evaluation", "selfEvaluaingError": "Failed", "selfEvaluaingPass": "Pass", "senderAddress": "Sender's Address", "senderName": "Sender", "sensitivity": "Sensitivity", "sep": "Sep", "serialNo": "Serial No.", "serverAdd": "Server Address", "serverAddr": "Server Address", "serverAuthentication": "Authentication", "serverIpAddr": "Server IP", "serverPort": "Server Port", "service28181": "28181 Service", "setAlarmParam": "Set Alarm Parameters", "setDownLimit": "Set Down Limit", "setLeftLimit": "Set Left Limit", "setRightLimit": "Set Right Limit", "setTime": "Set Time", "setUpLimit": "Set Up Limit", "sharpness": "Sharpness", "shieldBlock": "Shield", "shortestDelay": "Shortest Delay", "shrotType": "Short Test", "sipAuthenticationID": "SIP Authentication ID", "sipAuthenticationPswd": "SIP Authentication Password ", "sipExpiration": "Register Expiration", "sipServerAddr": "SIP Server Address", "sipServerID": "SIP Server ID", "sipServerPort": "SIP Server Port", "sipSeverDomain": "SIP Server Domain", "sizeLessthan": "The minimum %s should be smaller than the maximum %s.", "sleeping": "Sleeping", "smartEvent": "Smart Event", "smartInfo": "S.M.A.R.T. Information", "smartTest": "S.M.A.R.T. Settings", "smartTestType": "Self-Test Type", "smooth": "Smooth", "smoothFirst": "Fluency", "smoothing": "Smooth Stream", "smtpPort": "SMTP Port", "smtpServer": "SMTP Server", "snapshotParams": "Capture Parameters", "snapshotSchedule": "Capture Schedule", "snmpPort": "SNMP Port", "solveHeartSrvMesFail": "Parse update message failed", "solveHostSrvMesFail": "Parse domain message fail", "solveServerMesFail": "Parse server message failed", "sorting": "Sort", "soundAlarm": "Audio Alarm", "soundIntensityThreshold": "Sound Intensity Threshold", "speed": "Speed", "speedType": "Speed Type", "standard": "Standard", "startDate": "Start Date", "startHddDetect": "Start detect", "startSmartTest": "Start Self-test", "startVerify": "Start Verifying", "state": "Status", "stateOrProvince": "State or province", "stopBit": "Stop Bit", "stopDraw": "Stop Drawing", "stopTrackThreshold": "Grade Threshold for Stopping Tracking ", "stopVerify": "Stop Verifying", "storage": "Storage", "storageManagement": "Storage Management", "streamPath": "Stream Path", "streamTransMode": "Transfer Protocol", "studentType": "Answer Questions ", "subNetMask": "IPv4 Subnet Mask", "subjuect": "Subject", "subnetMaskError": "Subnet Mask error", "swFlowCtrl": "Software", "swService": "Software", "switchANR": "Reconnect IP camera automatically after ANR enabled/disabled.", "syncComputerTime": "Sync. with computer time", "system": "System", "systemService": "System Service", "systemSettings": "System Settings", "talkRecord": "Two-way Audio Record", "talkRecordChannel": "Two-way Audio Record Channel", "targetCenter": "Target Center", "targetDetect": "Detection Sensitivity ", "targetEnable": "Displacement Constraint for Target Generation ", "targetSize": "Minimum Target Size ", "targetSpeed": "Generation Speed ", "targetStopTrack": "Post-tracking ", "teacherType": "Lecture ", "temperature": "Temperature", "testStatus": "Self-test Status", "textColor": "Font Color", "textOverLay": "Text OverLay", "third": "Third", "threshold": "Threshold(s)", "timeFormat": "Time Format", "timeIntersect": "The time segments cannot be overlapped.", "timeSegmentErrorTips": "The start time should be earlier than the end time", "timeSetting": "Time Settings", "timeZone": "Time Zone", "timeZone1": "(GMT-12:00) International Date Line West", "timeZone10": "(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time(Canada)", "timeZone11": "(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland", "timeZone12": "(GMT-03:00) Georgetown, Brasilia", "timeZone13": "(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic", "timeZone14": "(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Islands, Azores", "timeZone15": "(GMT+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, London", "timeZone16": "(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Paris", "timeZone17": "(GMT+02:00) Athens, Jerusalem", "timeZone18": "(GMT+03:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Moscow, Istanbul, St.Petersburg", "timeZone19": "(GMT+03:30) Tehran", "timeZone2": "(GMT-11:00) Midway Island,Samoa", "timeZone20": "(GMT+04:00) Caucasus Standard Time", "timeZone21": "(GMT+04:30) Kabul", "timeZone22": "(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent", "timeZone23": "(GMT+05:30) Madras, Bombay, New Delhi", "timeZone24": "(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu", "timeZone25": "(GMT+06:00) Almaty, Dhaka", "timeZone26": "(GMT+06:30) Yangon", "timeZone27": "(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Novosibirsk", "timeZone28": "(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Urumqi, Singapore, Perth", "timeZone29": "(GMT+09:00) Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo", "timeZone3": "(GMT-10:00) Hawaii", "timeZone30": "(GMT+09:30) Adelaide, Darwin", "timeZone31": "(GMT+10:00) Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Hobart", "timeZone32": "(GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands", "timeZone33": "(GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji", "timeZone34": "(GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa", "timeZone4": "(GMT-09:00) Alaska", "timeZone5": "(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US,Canada,Mexico)", "timeZone6": "(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time(U.S. & Canada)", "timeZone7": "(GMT-06:00) Central Time(U.S. & Canada)", "timeZone8": "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time(U.S. & Canada)", "timeZone9": "(GMT-04:30) Caracas", "timing": "Time Synchronization", "transProtocolError": "Transmission protocol error", "transparentChannel": "Transparent Channel", "transparentFlashing": "Transparent & Flashing", "transparentNotFlashing": "Transparent & Not Flashing", "triggerStatus": "Triggering Status", "twelveHour": "12-hour", "twentyFourHour": "24-hour", "twoWayAudio": "Two-way Audio", "type": "Type", "unattendedBaggageType": "Objects left", "uninitialized": "Uninitialized", "unlockPTZ": "Unlocked", "updateSuccess": "Status of DDNS is normal", "upgrade": "Upgrade", "upgradeDir": "Firmware Directory", "upgradeExplain": "The upgrading process will be 1 to 10 minutes, please don't disconnect power to the device during the process. The device reboots automatically after upgrading.", "upgradeFailed": "Upgrade failed", "upgradeFile": "Firmware", "upgradeFileMismatch": "The type of upgrade file mismatches.", "upgradeMaintain": "Upgrade & Maintenance", "upgradeProgressFailed": "Failed to get the upgrading progress.", "upgradeStatusFailed": "Failed to get the upgrade status.", "upgradeSucceeded": "Upgrading succeeded. Reboot the device to activate the new settings.", "upgradeTip": "Device will reboot automatically after upgrading. Continue?", "upgradeVersionMismatch": "The version of upgrade file mismatches.", "upgrading": "Upgrading...", "uploadCenter": "Notify Surveillance Center", "uploadFTP": "Upload to FTP/Memory Card/NAS", "uploadFailed": "Upload failed", "usage": "Usage", "useCameraName": "Use Camera Name", "useCameraNumber": "Use Camera No.", "useChildDirectory": "Use Secondary Directory", "useDays": "Power On", "useDeviceIP": "Use Device IP", "useDeviceName": "Use Device Name", "useDeviceNumber": "Use Device No.", "useParentDirectory": "Use Parent Directory", "useRootDirectory": "Save in the root directory", "useSmartHdd": "Continue to use this disk when self-evaluation is failed.", "user": "Guest", "userExist": "User name already exists.", "userList": "User list", "userManagement": "User Management", "valid": "Active", "validity": "Validity", "vehicleColor": "Vehicle Color", "vehicleDetect": "Vehicle Detection", "vehicleDetectConf": "Vehicle Detection Configuration", "vehicleDetectPicPoolID": "Picture Storage Pool ID", "vehicleDetectScene": "Detection Scene %s", "verifyLineLimit": "Verify Lines no less than %s.", "versionMismatch": "Version mismatch", "video": "Video", "videoAndAudio": "Video stream type is Video & Audio", "videoAudio": "Video & Audio", "videoEncoding": "Video Encoding", "videoLoss": "Video Loss", "videoOrAudio": "Video/Audio", "videoQuality": "Video Quality", "videoSignalException": "Video Exception", "videoStandardMismatch": "Input/Output Video Standard Mismatch", "videoStream": "Video Stream", "videoTamper": "Video Tampering", "videoType": "Video Type", "virtualDiskException": "Array Exception", "warnLine": "Line", "warnRegion": "Region", "webAuth": "WEB Authentication", "webVersion": "Web Version", "workMode": "Work Mode", "writeCommunity": "Write SNMP Community", "wrong": "Wrong ", "wrongPlateRecogRegion": "Incorrect Plate Recognition Area", "yes": "Yes", "openSigNoOp": "Operation failed. Please stop the viewing of this camera on video wall.", "securityMode": "Security Mode", "encryptionType": "Encryption Type", "key": "Key", "internetType": "Access Type", "connectSuccess": "Connected", "connectFail": "Connection failed", "smartCodec": "H.264+", "ImportExplains": "Only support *.mp4, *.aac or *.jpeg/jpg.", "enableLinkageImage": "Enable Audio Linkage Picture", "ImportFileTips": "Are you sure to import the file?", "InputFileNameTips": "Please select the file for importing.", "ImportFileSucceedTips": "Importing file succeeded.", "ImportFileFailedTips": "Importing file failed.", "ImportingFileTips": "Importing…Please wait…", "ImportingTips": "The device is importing…", "ImportNoFile": "Failed to open the file in USB flash disk.", "ImportReadError": "An error occurred while reading file from the USB flash disk.", "ImportWriteError": "An error occurred while writing file to the HDD.", "ImportPicRes": "The picture resolution is too large.", "ImportTypeMis": "The file type is not supported.", "ImportInvalidPath": "Invalid file path.", "ImportMaxFile": "The file size is too large.", "ImportMaxFileName": "The file name is too long.", "ImportNoSupport": "The device does not support the function.", "FileOrderTips": "The play sequence already exists.", "uploadSuccess": "Uploading succeeded.", "videoDSCP": "Video/Audio DSCP", "test": "Test", "Testing": "Testing...", "TestFailed": "Testing failed.", "TestSuccess": "Testing succeeded.", "ConnectServerFail": "Failed to connect the test server.", "NoNasDirectory": "Mounting to NAS server failed. Invalid directory or incorrect user name/password.", "NoNasPermission": "Mounting to NAS server failed. No permission.", "NoDns": "If the server use domain name, and didn't configure the DNS, the domain name may be invalid.", "NoGateway": "The network gateway is not configured, and this may cause the failure of email sending.", "PasswordError": "User name or password is wrong.", "ExchangeServerFail": "The communication between device and SMTP server is abnormal.", "CreateDirectoryFail": "Failed to create the directory.", "NoWritePermission": "The user has no permission to write.", "portError": "Incorrect server port No.", "StoragePoolError": "The storage pool of the cloud server is invalid. No configured storage pool or the storage pool ID is incorrect.", "StoragePoolFull": "The storage pool is full.", "UnknownError": "Unknown error.", "enable8021x": "Enable IEEE 802.1X", "enDualVCA": "Enable Dual-VCA", "regCrop": "Target Cropping", "RegCropResolution": "Cropping Resolution", "audioEncoding": "Audio Encoding", "samplingRate": "Sampling Rate", "audioStreamBit": "Audio Stream Bitrate", "inputVolume": "Input Volume", "audioInput": "Audio Input", "outputVolume": "Output Volume", "environmentNoiseFilter": "Environmental Noise Filter", "upload": "Upload", "regionName": "Area Name", "signalStrength": "Signal Strength", "allowlist": "Allowlist", "refresh": "Refresh", "conectFail": "Connection failed", "detectionTarget": "Detection Target", "human": "Human", "peopleCount": "Counting", "Counting": "Counting", "enableCounting": "Enable Counting", "enablePeopleCount": "Enable People Counting", "enableOSDCounting": "Enable OSD Overlay", "clearCounter": "Reset Counter", "changeDirection": "Change Direction", "drawDetectLine": "Draw Line", "deleteLine": "Are you sure to delete the detection line?", "heatMapCfg": "Heat Map Configuration", "enableHeadMap": "Enable Heat Map", "sceneLevel": "Scene Change Level", "targetTrack": "Traget tracking", "identity": "Identify", "privateKeyPassword": "Private Key Password", "caCertificate": "CA Certificate", "userCertificate": "User Certificate", "privateKeyCertificate": "Private Key", "mode": "Mode", "trafficEventType": "Event Type", "deviceIP": "Device IP", "allStream": "Dual Stream", "inputResolution": "Camera Resolution", "wirelessDial": "Wireless Dial", "syncIPCPassword": "Sync. IPC Password", "syncIPCPasswordTips": "Duplicate the password to IP cameras that are connected with default protocol.", "manualUpdate": "Update", "newVersion": "New Version", "accessTime": "Connect Time", "accessDevice": "Connected Device", "modwlanpswtips": "Please change default WLAN AP password.", "enableVoiceChanger": "Enable Voice Changer", "voiceChanger": "Voice Changer", "useOriginVoice": "Original Voice", "netUnreachable": "Upgrading failed, cannot connect to FTP server.", "upgradeServerError": "The upgrade server error.", "readError": "Reading upgrade file failed.", "noPackage": "Upgrading failed, firmware mismatches.", "dataError": "Upgrading failed, firmware error.", "writeFlashError": "Upgrading failed. No enough Flash memory.", "upgradingError": "Upgrading failed, system is under upgrading or auto maintenance.", "formatDiskTips": "Format the HDD?", "upgradeNoNewVersion": "Not detect new version,the current version is the latest.", "cloudType": "Cloud Type", "authCode": "Authorization Code", "uploadType": "Upload Type", "eventUpload": "Enable Event Upload", "wrongPinCode": "PIN code is incorrect.", "clearFlashCouting": "Clear Storage Data", "clearFlashCoutingConfirm": "Clear the storage data?", "clearFlashCoutingFailed": "Clearing the storage data failed.", "clearFlashCoutingSucc": "The storage data is cleared.", "clearFlashCoutingTips": "Note: This action clears all counting data stored in the camera.", "dataUploadCycle": "Data Statistics Cycle", "demaLineRecommendWidth": "Suggested Calibration Line Width", "demaLineWidth": "Calibration Line Width", "detectLineBeginPoint": "Detection Line Start Point", "detectLineEndPoint": "Detection Line End Point", "enableDataUpload": "Real-Time Upload Data", "getDemaLineRecommendWidthFailed": "Getting the recommended calibration line width failed.", "mutexWithWireless": "The Wi-Fi will be disabled after the Wlan Hotspot being enabled.", "vgaAdjust": "VGA Position Adjustment", "horizontalOffset": "Horizontal Offset", "verticalOffset": "Vertical Offset", "rtmpConfig": "RTMP", "rtmpUrl": "RTMP URL", "smartCodec265": "H.265+", "smart264Prompt4": "Compared to H.264, H.264+ reduces storage by up to 50% with the same maximum bitrate in most scenes.
1. Upgrade your video player to the latest version if live view or playback does not work properly due to compatibility.
2. H.264+ is not supported simultaneously with SVC, etc.
Reboot now?", "smart264Prompt6": "Compared to H.264, H.264+ reduces storage by up to 50% with the same maximum bitrate in most scenes.
Upgrade your video player to the latest version if live view or playback does not work properly due to compatibility.
Reboot now?", "excludeStr": "Invalid user name", "snmpRiskTip": "Enabling SNMP V2 protocol may cause security problems. Enable it?", "dynamicFireDetection": "Dynamic Fire Source Detection", "fireComfirmTime": "Dwell Time", "cloudUserInfo": "Account Info", "uploadCloud": "Upload Captured Pictures To Cloud", "usedSpace": "Used Capacity", "onlineUser": "Online Users", "protocolVersion": "Protocol Version", "userOperationTime": "User Operation Time", "vbrAverage": "Max. Average Bitrate", "ddnsDisable": "DDNS is not enabled", "inputMode": "Input Mode", "netMonitor": "Network Listening", "netProtocol": "Network Protocol", "serialMonitor": "Serial Listening", "serialProtocol": "Serial Port Protocol", "dataPacketAnalysis": "Packet Analysis", "tradeInformation": "Transaction Information", "triggerChannel": "Trigger Channel", "times": "Times", "extraCharacterLen": "Extra Character Len", "length": "Length", "fixedLength": "Fixed Length", "variableLength": "Variable", "minLength": "Min Length", "maxLength": "Max Length", "endString": "Termination Character", "lengthNumber": "Length", "lengthPosition": "Position", "overlayPosition": "Overlay Position", "prefix": "Prefix", "xAxis": "X-axis", "yAxis": "Y-axis", "actionCode": "Action Code", "dataPacketIdentifier": "Data Packet Identifier", "startIdentifier": "Start Identifier", "stopIdentifier": "Stop Identifier", "dataPacketFilter": "Data Packet Filter", "includedContent": "Text Filter", "includedContentPosition": "Position", "enableTimeDelay": "Enable Time Delay", "delayTime": "Delay Time", "smoothest": "Fluency", "balanced": "Balanced", "oldPwd": "Old Password", "autoDNS": "Auto DNS", "adminPwd": "Admin Password", "pwdConfirm": "Password Confirm", "oldPwdError": "Old password error.", "adminPwdError": "Admin password error.", "fireOSD": "Display Fire Source Info.", "fireBox": "Frame Fire Point", "firePointDistance": "Display Fire Point Distance", "maxTemperature": "Display Highest Temperature", "maxTemperaturePosition": "Locate Highest Temperature Point", "thermometryOSD": "Display Temperature Info.", "linkedCameraOutOfLimit": "No more linked camera can be added.", "defaultRoute": "Default Route", "OSDOverlay": "Flow Overlay", "enter": "Enter", "interferenceSuppression": "Interference Suppression", "leave": "Leave", "macAddrFilter": "MAC Address Filter", "macAllowedEmpty": "The list of allowed MAC addresses is empty. The MAC address filtering cannot be enabled.", "macExist": "MAC Address has been added, please enter again.", "modifyMACAddr": "Modify MAC Address", "sendReport": "Email Report", "faceFilteringTime": "Face Filtering Time", "detectLine": "Detection Line", "cbShoulderWidthLine": "Calibration Line", "referShoulderWidthLine": "Suggested Calibration Line", "noEnoughResource": "System resource is insufficient. Please close the following function first:", "mutexFnChannelConflict": "%s has been turned on in Channel%d.", "mutexFnChannelConflictNoChannel": "%s has been turned on.", "verifyCodeNullTip": "To enable Hik-Connect service, you need to create a verification code or change the verification code.", "createDefaultCodeTip": "Create a verification code.", "modifyDefaultCodeTip": "Change the verification code.", "verifyCodeStrengthTip": "6 to 12 characters allowed, including upper-case and lower-case letters, and digits. To ensure device security, a combination with at least 8 characters of all the three above mentioned types is recommended.Note: The 6-character combination \"ABCDEF\" and any other case sensitive combination of this alphabetical order are not allowed.", "verifyCodeProvisionTip": "The Hik-Connect service will require internet access. Please read the \"Terms of Service\" and \"Privacy Policy\" before enabling the service.", "serviceProvision": "Terms of Service", "aboutDevice": "About", "openGplTip": "Open Source Software Licenses", "lookOver": "View Licenses", "LPR": "Real-time LPR Result", "small": "Small", "fontSize": "Font Size", "human_vehicle": "Human and Vehicle", "misinformation": "Discard False Alarm", "picRecognition": "Picture Dual Recognition", "humanDetect": "Human Body Capture", "captureRegion": "Capture Area", "regionSchedule": "Area Arm", "bEnableHumanDetectScene": "Enable Human Body Capture", "humanMisInfoFilterTip": "No more channels can turn on the discard false alarm function.", "enableOverLay": "Overlay", "backOverlay": "Display POS Information", "POCException": "POC Module Error", "diagnoseInfo": "Diagnose Information", "integrationProtocol": "Integration Protocol", "securityKey": "Encryption Password", "protocolAuth": "%s Authentication", "mediaUser": "Media User", "customRange": "Manually Input", "wuhanCloud": "Cloud", "exportDiagnoseTips": "Download the log, system information and hardware information.", "enableFunction": "Enable %s", "STDCGI": "STD-CGI", "systemBusy": "The system is busy.", "personDensity": "People Density Detection", "enableDataUploading": "Enable Data Uploading", "enablePicUpload": "Enable Picture Uploading", "uploadWayConfig": "Uploading Mode", "timeToUpload": "Scheduled Uploading", "statisticsCycle": "Statistics Cycle", "triggerUpload": "Instant Uploading", "transportProtocolConf": "Transmission Protocol", "uploadData": "Data Uploading", "enableBridging": "Build Bridge to LAN", "InfoChannel": "Channel", "misinformationTips": "The alarm accuracy is related to the camera PIR detection range.", "dignose": "Diagnose", "showState": "Display Status", "humanOrVehicle": "Human/Vehicle", "vehicleLogo": "Brand", "laThresholdValue": "Similarity", "laFDLibList": "Face Picture Library", "analysisEnginesNoResourceError": "No analysis engine resource.", "enableFaceContrast": "Enable Face Picture Comparison", "intelligent": "Smart", "fileEncryptConfig": "File Encryption Configuration", "fileDecrypt": "File Decryption", "inputEncrypt": "Input the encryption password.", "inputFileDecryption": "Input the password of configuration file.", "passwordRange": "%s to %s characters", "inputPasswordError": "Wrong Password", "achieveMaxChannelLimitTip": "No more channels are allowed.", "vehicle": "Vehicle", "enableIPCAddStatus": "Enable IP Camera Occupation Detection", "updateRestartTip": "Device will reboot automatically after saving parameters. Continue?", "ipcImportPwdNullTip": "Check whether the imported password is correct.", "enableGB28181": "Enable GB28181 IPC Access", "diagnoseInfoExport": "Export Diagnose Info", "searchByPic": "Search by Picture", "artwork": "Source Picture", "selectSample": "Select Sample", "analysisEnginesUsageExcced": "Engine is overloaded.", "picAnalysisNoResourceError": "No analysis engine for picture dual recognition.", "nameError": "Invalid name.", "nameExistError": "Duplicate name.", "analysisEnginesLoadingError": "Initializing analysis engine.", "analysisEnginesAbnormaError": "Analysis engine error.", "analysisEnginesFacelibImporting": "Analysis engine is importing face picture library.", "analysisEnginesAssociatedChannel": "Analysis engines has been linked to a channel.", "smdEncodingNoResource": "Not enough SMD encoding resource.", "smdDecodingNoResource": "Not enough SMD decoding resource.", "humanCaptureProperties": "Version of Face Capture Algorithm Library", "laFaceContrastType": "Comparison Mode", "faceContrast": "Normal", "whitelistFaceContrast": "Stranger Detection", "laAlarmOutType": "Enable Alarm Output Pulse", "laPlusesTime": "Alarm Output Pulse", "enableFailureAlarmNoUpload": "Upload to monitoring center when comparison failed", "EnableLocalSmartDetection": "Enable Local Smart Analysis", "EnableLocalDetection": "Enable Smart Analysis", "analysisUnitSwitchTip": "Supported smart events will be changed when enabling/disabling smart analysis .Continue?", "customTagsName": "Customize Tag Name", "iPlusesTimeTips": "The alarm pulse time will be synchronized to the channel. ", "diskError": "HDD error.", "diskFull": "Overwrite.", "filesSelected": "%s file(s) selected.", "tooGreatTime": "Device time has great difference with server time.", "illegalPhoneNumber": "Invalid mobile phone number", "illegalCertificateNumber": "Invalid ID No", "versionabnormal": "Device Version Exception", "nodeoffline": "Device is offline", "recordCycleAbnormal": "Recording period is insufficient", "ipctransferabnormal": "IPC migration failed", "addDevice": "Add NVR", "oldVerifyCodeTip": "The Verification Code must be in 6 capital letters.", "IPNotSameLan": "NVRs used to build a cluster or to extend capacity must be in the same network segment.", "userNameOrPasswordInvalid": "User name or password is invalid.", "deviceNotExistInCluster": "The NVR is not in the cluster.", "deviceTypeInconformity": "NVR model mismatches.", "differentLAN": "In Different LAN", "thermometryDetection": "Temperature Difference Alarm", "temperatureDetection": "Temperature Alarm", "remotePlaybackOrDownload": "Remote Playback / Download", "recorderOrPicDuration": "Keep Videos/Pictures for", "POEChannel": "PoE Channel", "POEConfig": "Enable/Disable PoE PnP", "USBDebug": "Debugging by USB Flash Drive", "enableUSBDebug": "USB Flash Drive Debugging", "enableDiagnoseInfoExport": "Export Diagnostic Information", "resourceStatistics": "Network Resource Statistics", "showResourceStatistics": "View Statistics Information", "outputBandwidth": "Output Bandwidth", "inputBandwidth": "Input Bandwidth", "infoOnStream": "Stream Information", "remoteStreaming": "Remote Streaming", "remoteConnect": "Remote Connection", "USBWire": "Capture Packet by USB Flash Drive ", "filterOption": "Filtering Parameter", "filterCondition": "Filtering Condition", "startWire": "Start Capture", "endWire": "Stop Capture", "ipcTiming": "IP Camera Time Sync.", "pictureDelay": "Post-Capture", "enableEncryption": "Stream Encryption", "encryptionValidTips": "Note: Enabling stream encryption will force encrypt Hik-Connect stream. Hik-Connect encryption code is the same with encryption key.", "localPreview": "Local Live View", "additionInformation": "Details", "interfaceNo": "Network Interface", "netService": "Network Service", "verificationCodeOrPassword": "Verification Code/Encryption Key", "capturePackageFailed": "Capture failed.", "capturePackageProcessing": "Capturing…Please wait.", "logoutConfig": "Live View Permission on Lock Screen", "logoutConfigTip": "Select channels to be viewed on lock screen:", "localPreviewCheckTip": "All the users can view the live image of the selected channel when screen is locked. Continue?", "localPreviewCheckAllTip": "All the users can view the live image of all the channels when screen is locked. Continue?", "SecretKey": "Encryption Password", "VideoBandwidth": "Video Download Bandwidth", "noSupportWithPlaybackAbstract": "Please disable video synopsis and try again.", "insufficientNetworkBandwidth": "Not enough network bandwidth.", "streamAdaption": "Stream Adaption", "changeNeedReboot": "Network camera will reboot automatically after Stream Adaption status is changed.", "level1": "Level 1", "level2": "Level 2", "level3": "Level 3", "personDensityThreshold": "People Density Threshold", "reportRegularly": "Periodic Report", "timeOutOfUpload": "Period", "selectFDlibTips": "(Select the face picture library to compare and set the similarity.)", "faceContrastPrompt": "Prompt for Failed Face Comparison", "whiteListFaceContrastPrompt": "Prompt for Stranger", "enableSuccessAlarmNoUpload": "Upload to monitoring center when comparison succeeded.", "numberOfDays": "Day(s)", "relatedChannels": "Linked Channel", "relatedFDLibs": "Linked Face Picture Library", "analysisState": "Analysis Status", "video_structure_preview": "Video Structuralization - Live Video", "video_structure_record": "Video Structuralization - Recorded Video", "image_recognition_human": "Picture Recognition - Human Body", "image_recognition_vehicle": "Picture Recognition - Vehicle", "face_recognition": "Picture Recognition - Human Face", "working": "Processing", "wait": "Waiting.", "finish": "Finished.", "moreThanOneChannel": "Select at least one channel.", "checkedChannel": "%s channel(s) selected.", "engines": "Engine", "analyzing": "Running", "abnormal": "Exception", "auth_abnorma": "Authorization failed.", "reset_abnorma": "Resetting failed.", "DSP_status_abnorma": "DSP is abnormal.", "saving": "Saving…Please wait.", "enginesConfig": "Engine Configuration", "taskConfig": "Task Configuration", "mixture": "Mixed ", "deviceConfig": "Device Configuration", "videoStructureType": "Video Structuralization Type", "enginesConfigAndUtilization": "Engine Configuration and Usage", "associatedChaNums": "Max. Number of Linked Channel", "numOfAssociatedChan": "Number of Linked Channel", "confirmAnalysisSwitch": "Enable/disable smart analysis?", "selectChannel": "Channel", "reportUploadType": "Report Type", "reportUploadInterval": "Report Period", "enableImageURlCertificate": "Enable Picture URL Digest Authentication", "faceScoreSetting": "Face Rating Strategy Settings", "paramReturnToDefault": "Restore Default Settings", "humanEnginesNoResourceTip": "Not enough resource for human body analysis engine.", "vcaConfig": "VCA Configuration", "imageURlCertificateTips": "Disabling picture URL digest authentication may cause security risk.", "badJsonFormat": "JSON format error.", "identityKeyError": "Interactive password error.", "identityKeyMissing": "Interactive password missing.", "noSupportWithPersonDensityDetect": "Try again after disabling people density detection.", "ipcResolutionOverflow": "IP camera resolution exceeded limit.", "ipcBitrateOverflow": "IP camera bitrate exceeded the limit.", "invalidTaskID": "Invalid task ID.", "processSearch": "View Progress", "checkSetEngineConfig": "You need to configure engine before enabling the function.", "associatedChannel": "Linked Channel", "noSupportWithPlayback": "Stop the playback first before enabling the function.", "alarmStatistics": "Filtered Alarm Statistic", "EnableLocalHumanDetection": "Enable Local Human Body Detection", "FrequencyofPeople": "People Frequency", "subStreamNet": "Sub-Stream", "httpsAutoJump": "Enable HTTPS Browsing", "backOverlayOSD": "POS/OSD Overlay", "selectAnalogNum": "Select Analog Channel No.", "ipChannelAddTip": "IP Channel (IP Channel Will Be Added to IP Channel List)", "deviceType": "Device Type", "senior": "Advanced", "alarmNum": "Alarm Times", "alarmTime": "Arming Duration", "sequence": "Time", "networkUnreachable": "Network is unreachable.", "accessAbnormal": "Access error.", "guardFailed": "Arming failed.", "authenticatedIOTEvent": "Authentication Passed", "authenticationFailedIOTEvent": "Authenticating failed", "openingDoorIOTEvent": "Door Opened", "closingDoorIOTEvent": "Door Closed", "doorExceptionIOTEvent": "Door Exception", "remoteOperationIOTEvent": "Remote Operation", "timeSynchronizationIOTEvent": "Time Sync. Event", "deviceExceptionIOTEvent": "Device Exception", "deviceRecoveredIOTEvent": "Device Recovered", "alarmTriggeredIOTEvent": "Alarm Event", "alarmRecoveredIOTEvent": "Alarm Recovered", "intercomIOTEvent": "Intercom Alarm", "alarmDuration": "Alarm Duration", "eventConfig": "Event Configuration", "osdConfig": "OSD Configuration", "osdShow": "OSD Display", "IOTName": "Name", "eventName": "Event Name", "fontEncoding": "Character Encoding", "overlyType": "Overlay Mode", "showTime": "Overlay Time", "outTime": "Timeout", "privateInfo": "Privacy Information", "messageKey": "Keyword", "flip": "Page", "scroll": "Scroll", "big": "Large", "externalStorageManagement": "External Storage Management", "storagePoolManage": "Storage Pool Management", "storagePoolList": "Storage Pool List", "storagePoolId": "Storage Pool No.", "storagePoolType": "Storage Pool Type", "storagePoolName": "Storage Name", "storagePoolVolume": "Storage Pool Capacity (GB)", "storageCycle": "Storage Period (Day)", "storagePoolRemainVolume": "Storage Pool Free Space (GB)", "addStoragePool": "Add Storage Pool", "modifyStoragePool": "Edit Storage Pool", "generalPool": "General Pool", "instantPreviews": "Smooth Streaming", "enableInstantPreviews": "Enable Smooth Streaming", "adjustPolicy": "Mode", "errorCorrectionRatio": "Error Correction Proportion", "resolutionFirst": "Resolution Priority", "frameFirst": "Frame Rate Priority", "errorCorrection": "Error Correction", "chanelIsUploadingCloudFile": "Deleting or editing is not allowed. The channel is used for external storage upload.", "uploadingCloudFile": "Channel is used for external storage upload.", "noStrategy": "No Overwrite", "alarmHostManage": "Alarm Device Configuration", "deleteIOTAndIpcTip": "The listed channel(s) has been added in the device. Select the channel(s) to delete.", "addSuccess": "Adding succeeded.", "addError": "Adding failed.", "accessPoint": "Access Point", "number": "No.", "serialNum": "Serial No.", "accessType": "Access Type", "match": "Match", "matchFailTip": "Matching failed. Please try again.", "matchSuccessTip": "Adding succeeded. Click Match to continue adding.", "alarming": "In Alarm", "autoAddType": "Auto Match", "manualAddType": "Manual Add", "cameraAccessType": "Camera Gateway", "usbAccessType": "USB Gateway", "inductiveTypeInvalid": "InductiveDeviceType error.", "noLessHeight": "Height cannot less than %s.", "noLessWidth": "Width cannot less than %s.", "onlineUpgrade": "Online Upgrade", "currentVersion": "Current Version", "checkForUpgrade": "Check Upgrade", "autoDownloadNewestPackage": "Automatically download the latest installation package.", "versionInfo": "Version", "newestVersion": "Latest Version", "downloadNow": "Download", "upgradeNow": "Upgrade", "ignoreThisVersion": "Ignore", "downloading": "Downloading, wait…", "ingoreThisVersionTips": "Ignore this version?", "deletePackage": "Delete Installation Package", "pauseDownload": "Pause", "cancelDownload": "Cancel", "continueDownload": "Continue", "upgradeTips": "You cannot operate the device during upgrade process. Continue?", "newVersionLog": "[New Version Features]", "switchInterval": "Switch Interval", "passwordFormatError": "Password format error.", "userNameFormatError": "User name format error.", "screenPageNum": "%s/%s Screen", "checkForUpgrading": "Checking…", "personQueueDetection": "Queue Management Detection", "capturePackageData": "Capture Packet Data.", "capturing": "Capturing…", "noCapture": "Capture failed.", "has": "Yes", "remainTime": "Remaining Time", "backupStatus": { "noPlan": "Unplanned", "finish": "Finished.", "error": "Error", "stopBackup": "The user stops backup.", "waiting": "Waiting…", "backuping": "Backing up…" }, "backupErrorMessage": { "noConformRecord": "No videos found.", "nasError": "NetHDD error.", "deviceNotExist": "Storage device does not exist.", "backupError": "Backup error.", "deviceReadOnly": "Storage device is read-only.", "deviceFull": "Storage device is full.", "deviceOccupied": "Storage device is occupied.", "deviceFormatError": "Storage device format error." }, "streamStorage": "Stream Debugging", "startStreamStorage": "Start Debugging", "stopStreamStorage": "End Debugging", "exportAll": "Export All", "plsSelectChannels": "Please select channels.", "usbIsFull": "USB flash drive is full.", "peopleNumChangeType": "Number of People Exception Detection", "violentMotionType": "Violent Motion Detection", "leavePositionType": "Absence Detection", "linkSuccess": "Linkage Method (Face Matched)", "linkFail": "Linkage Method (Face Mismatched)", "faceContrastSuccessPrompt": "Prompt for Succeeded Face Comparison", "EnableLocalVCADetection": "Enable Local VCA Behavior Analysis", "anyMode": "Arbitrary Mode", "singleMode": "Single Person Mode", "behavior": "Behavior Analysis", "ruleLimit": "No more rules are allowed.", "behaviorAnalysisUnitSwitchTip": "Supported VCA behavior analysis function will be changed when enabling/disabling local VCA behavior analysis. Continue? ", "enableSafetyHelmet": "Enable Hard Hat Detection", "overlayTarget": "Overlay Target", "overlayRule": "Overlay Rule", "peopleNumChange": "Number of People Exception Detection", "retention": "People Overstay Detection", "channelNoSupportWithBehavior": "Function not supported. Local behavior analysis has already been enabled in the channel.", "ExceedMaxSmdType": "No more SMD events are allowed. ", "channelNoSupportWithSMD": "The function is not supported. Perimeter protection function has already been enabled in the channel.", "polygonError": "Invalid region. Do not support concave polygon.", "peopleThreshold": "Number of People Threshold", "alarmIntervals": "Alarm Interval(s)", "switchSameSourceTips": "Device will restart automatically after HDMI/VGA simultaneous output status is changed. Continue?", "deleteDeviceCertificateTip": "Delete the selected certificate(s)?", "certificateValidationError": "Certificate verification failed.", "certificatesNumExceedError": "No more certificates are allowed.", "CACertificateManage": "Trusted Root Certification Authorities", "IssuerDN": "Issuer", "certificateValidation": "Certificate Verification", "useDefaultAdminPort": "Use Default Port", "certificatesExport": "Export Certificate", "certificatesBySelf": "Self-signed Certificate", "enableEnhancedSDKService": "Enable Enhanced SDK Service", "enableSDKService": "Enable SDK Service", "sdkTLSPort": "Enhanced Service Port", "TLS1_1Enable": "Enable TLS1.1", "TLS1_2Enable": "Enable TLS1.2", "startGreaterThanEndTime": "The start time must be earlier than the end time", "dayInterval": "Interval should not be larger than %s days. Select again", "enableStreamOverTls": "Enable Stream Over TLS", "passwordContainsUsername": "The channel default password is risky.", "ipcNumReachesLimit": "No more cameras are allowed.", "poeNicConfig": "PoE Network Card Settings", "inNicIPv4Address": "Internal NIC IPv4 Address", "ipv4Address": "IPv4 Address", "logSaveTime": "Log Storage Period ", "deviceAutoMaintain": "Device Auto Maintenance", "enableAutoMaintain": "Enable Schedule Reboot", "maintainTime": "Maintenance Time", "enableSSLTLS": "Enable SSL/TLS", "hostIOTEvent": "Alarm host", "packetLossProbability": "Total Packet Loss Rate", "accessRestrictionSet": "Access Restriction Settings", "limitMode": "Restriction Mode", "restrictionType": "Restriction Type", "ipAddressLimit": "IP Address Restriction", "macAddressLimit": "MAC Address Restriction", "openAllowTip": "After enabling allowlist, only addresses in the allowlist can access the device. ", "deviceIntercomIOTEvent": "Device Intercom", "doubleVerificationTip": "Double verification users need to be verified for permission of playback and backup, etc.", "certificateAlreadyExist": "Certificate already exists.", "faceDetectionOrFaceCapture": "Face (Face Capture)", "confirmToDeleteMac": "Delete MAC address?", "incorrectPackage": "Upgrade file format error.", "hdOperationFailed": "Downloading upgrade file failed. Please check the HDD and try again.", "enableEZVIZTiming": "Enable Hik-Connect Server Time Sync", "changeNTPTimingConfirm": "Switch to Hik-Connect Server Time Sync?", "platformTiming": "Platform Time Sync", "platformType": "Platform Type", "resetPwdType": "Reset Type", "secrityCode": "Encryption Code", "importFile": "Import by File", "byWeChat": "Reset via WeChat Official Account", "byManufacturers": "Reset via Manufacturer", "operateSuccess": "Operation completed.", "exportSecurityFile": "Export Encryption File", "exportQRCode": "Export QR Code Image", "weChatResetStep1": "1. Follow the WeChat official account, and scan the device QR code.", "weChatResetStep2ByOldDevice": "2. Enter the generated encryption code, and the recovery default password is 12345.", "weChatResetStep2": "2. Import the encryption code file, and reset the password.", "producerResetStep1": "1. Export encryption code file directly, or scan the QR code to get the file. Send it to the manufacturer to get encryption code.", "producerResetStep2": "2. Enter the encryption code given by the manufacturer, and reset the password.", "plsUploadSecurityFileFirst": "Upload the encryption file first.", "analysisMode": "Analysis Mode", "confirmToDeleteIP": "Delete IP address?", "upgradeFailedZipNotSupport": "Upgrade file in .zip format is not allowed.", "waitingForConnectIPC": "Connecting IPC …, please wait.", "notSupportResetPassword": "Password reset is not supported.", "ipcNeedOnLan": "IPC should be in the same LAN.", "resetPasswordTypeException": "Getting IPC password type failed.", "IPCNotSupportResetPassword": "IPC does not support resetting the password.", "IPCIPNotUnique": "Make sure the IP is unique in the LAN.", "platformTimingToNTPTips": "Enabling %s will disable Hik-Connect Sync, continue?", "resetIPCPwdSuccess": "The IPC reset password was successful, please manually restart the camera after it takes effect.", "browerVersionTooLow": "The current browser version is too low, please use the high version browser to get the complete function.", "TimesyncPlatformType": "Hik-Connect Server", "IOTPortTips": "The port for NVR to receive alarms.", "picInterval": "Image Refresh Interval", "logDiskTips": "After initialization, all logs and videos in the disk database will be lost. Continue?", "protocol": "Protocol", "monday": "Mon", "tuesday": "Tue", "wednesday": "Wed", "thursday": "Thu", "friday": "Fri", "saturday": "Sat", "sunday": "Sun", "deviceError": "Device error.", "domainError": "Domain error", "lanMismatch": "Language version mismatch", "ipAddr": "IP Address", "normal": "Normal", "error": "Error", "offLine": "Offline", "deviceNo": "Device No.", "bitrateType": "Bitrate Type", "variable": "Variable", "constant": "Constant", "software": "Software", "hardware": "Hardware", "mountType": "Mount Type", "wall": "On Wall", "ceiling": "Ceiling", "table": "Table", "off": "OFF", "rebootDeviceTip": "Do you want to reboot the unit?", "rebooting": "Rebooting...", "channelNoError": "Channel No. error", "ipAddrConflictWithDev": "IP address conflicts with the device.", "ipAddrConflicWithIpc": "IP address conflicts with another IP camera", "resolutionNotSupported": "Resolution is not supported", "information": "Information", "enableStatusLED": "Enable Status LED", "trapIP": "Trap Address", "trapPort": "Trap Port", "trapCommunity": "Trap Community", "managementPort": "Management Port", "connect": "Join", "onLine": "Online", "faceCapture": "Face Capture", "laStreamfixed": "original picture not modified; it is recommended to check this option.", "laTrackDuration": "Tracking Duration ", "laUplimitation": "Top", "laDownlimitation": "Bottom", "laLeftlimitation": "Left", "laRightlimitation": "Right", "parkingType": "Parking", "direction": "Direction", "trackParam": "Tracking Parameters", "topCenter": "Top Center", "leavesSuppressionEnable": "Leaves Interference Suppression", "overSysBandwidth": "No enough bandwidth", "ipcStreamFail": "IP camera exception", "connecting": "Connecting...", "ipcNotExist": "IP camera does not exist", "ipcStreamTypeNotSupport": "Stream type from the IP camera is not supported", "uploadPicture": "Upload Picture", "trackLimit": "Auto-tracking Limits", "suddenIncreaseSound": "Sudden Increase of Sound Intensity Detection", "suddenDecreaseSound": "Sudden Decrease of Sound Intensity Detection", "positionNo": "Camera No.", "captureTime": "Capture Time", "plateNo": "License Plate No.", "width": "Width", "height": "Height", "vsbAccess": "VSB Access", "vsbIp": "VSB IP", "vsbPort": "VSB Port", "vsbStatus": "VSB Status", "enableNMS": "Enable NMS", "enableSubStream": "Enable Sub-stream", "blackType": "Blocklist", "whiteType": "Allowlist", "connHeartSrvfail": "Connect update failed", "passwordStrength": "Password Strength", "ipcUnregistered": "The IP camera is unregistered", "userLocked": "The user is locked", "userNotExist": "The user does not exist", "ipcDetecting": "Detecting", "advertising": "Advertising Service", "advertisingImport": "Advertising Import", "advertisingStrat": "One-touch Advertising", "advertisingConfig": "Advertising Configuration", "advertisingFile": "Advertising File", "videoAdvertising": "Video Advertising", "audioAdvertising": "Audio Advertising", "imageAdvertising": "Picture Advertising", "advertisingType": "Advertising Type", "imageInterval": "Duration", "enablePlay": "Enable Advertising Play", "ImportDuplicate": "Failed to replace the advertising file. Please check the HDD.", "ImportInvalidHD": "The saving path of advertising file does not exist. Please format the HDD again.", "ImportFileLen": "The size of advertising file cannot be 0. Please check the advertising file first.", "ImportMaxFilePath": "The file path is too long.", "ImportMaxFileNum": "No more advertising file is supported.", "activeMulticase": "Initiative Multicast", "multicastPort": "Multicast Port", "enableAtm": "ATM function is valid.", "atmType": "ATM Type", "cardNo": "Card No.", "tradingBehavior": "Transaction", "tradingAmount": "Transaction Amount", "tradingNo": "Transaction No.", "opInsertCard": "Insert Card", "opOutCard": "Out Card", "opOverlay": "Overlay", "opSearch": "Search", "opWithdraw": "Withdraw", "opDeposit": "Deposit", "opChangePassword": "Change Password", "opTransfer": "Transfer", "locate": "Location", "fixedOffset": "Fixed Offset", "tokenOffset": "Token Offset", "tokenValue": "Token Value", "enStreamAdditionalInfo": "Stream private information", "wlanap": "WLAN AP", "enableWPS": "Enable WPS", "pinCode": "PIN Code", "pbcConnect": "PBC connection", "manualConnect": "Use router PIN code", "apPinCode": "Router PIN code", "enableWLANAP": "Enable WLAN AP", "enableBroadcast": "Broadcast SSID", "generate": "Generate", "comeback": "Cancel", "inConnecting": "Connecting", "heatMap": "Heat Map", "enterLeave": "Enter/Leave", "area": "Area", "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", "faceComparison": "Human Face Comparison", "faceProperties": "FR Version", "humanAttribute": "HMS Version", "pwdUserSame": "Password and user name cannot be the same.", "clusterManage": "Cluster Management", "deviceManage": "Device Management", "clusterMode": "Device Mode", "deviceList": "Device List", "allowState": "Running Status", "cpuUse": "CPU Usage", "memoryUse": "Memory Usage", "singleType": "Stand-alone Mode", "clusterType": "Cluster Mode", "sysstorfull": "Cluster storage is full", "deleteClusterTips": "The videos of deleted device cannot be accessed by cluster. Continue?", "exceedUpLimitOfCluster": "No more NVRs can be added.", "belowLowLimitOfCluster": "No more NVRs can be deleted.", "existedDeviceInCluster": "The NVR is already in the cluster.", "CMPlayloadNotAllowedDel": "You cannot delete the main NVR of the cluster.", "notClusterMode": "Device working mode is not the cluster mode.", "existedInOtherClusterSystem": "In Other Cluster", "notCluster": "Non Cluster Mode", "eaDSCP": "Event/Alarm DSCP", "manageDSCP": "Management DSCP", "pause": "Pause", "loading": "Loading...", "connect_boot_abnorma": "Connecting initiator failed.", "conig_boot_abnorma": "Configuring initiator failed.", "connect_main_abnorma": "Connecting main program failed.", "conig_main_abnorma": "Configuring main program failed.", "highFrequencyPersonRealTimeAlarm": "Frequently Appeared Person Alarm", "enableHighFrequencyPersonRealTimeAlarm": "Enable Frequently Appeared Person Alarm", "captureTimeFrequency": "Frequency Threshold", "featurePointConfidence": "Confidence Interval of Facial Feature", "interpupillaryDistance": "Pupil Distance", "pitchingAngle": "Tilt Angle (°)", "leftAndRightAngle": "Pan Angle (°)", "hignScoreRange": "High Rating", "middleScoreRange": "Medium Rating", "lowScoreRange": "Low Rating", "previewCfg": "Live View Settings", "currentPreviewMode": "Current Live View Image", "outputPort": "Video Output Interface", "signelScreen": "Single Screen", "screen": "Screen %s", "noSwitch": "No Switch", "autoBackup": "Auto Backup Settings", "backup": "Backup Settings", "backupState": "Backup Status", "currentState": "Current Status", "lastBackup": "Last Backup", "stopBackup": "The user stops backup.", "enableAutoBackup": "Auto Backup", "startBackupTime": "Start Backup at", "selectBackupChannels": "Select channel(s) to back up", "backupTo": "Backup to", "stopWriting": "Disable", "coverEarliestFragments": "Enable", "plzChoiceStreamType": "Select Stream Type", "enableSoundPreview": "Enable Sound Preview", "enableSameSource": "Enable Simultaneous Output", "pdSpaceTooSmall": "Not enough HDD space in the array.", "pdNumTooBig": "The number of HDDs in the array cannot exceed half the total number of supported HDDs.", "switchHighResolutionModeTips": "Switch HD resolution mode will take effect after reboot. Continue?", "openHighResolutionMode": "Open ultra HD resolution mode", "onPosition": "Person On Duty", "leaveDelay": "Absence Duration", "failDownType": "People Falling Down Detection", "retentionParamType": "People Overstay Detection", "runningType": "People Running Detection", "peopleNumThreshold": "Total Count Threshold", "noneStateEffectiveEnabled": "Ignore Situation of No People", "leavePosition": "Absence Detection", "safetyHelmetNoResource": "Not enough engine resource for hard hat detection.", "behaviorEnginesNoResource": "Not enough engine resource for behavior analysis.", "retentionEnginesNoResource": "Not enough engine resource for people overstay detection.", "leavePositionEnginesNoResource": "Not enough engine resource for absence detection.", "peopleNumChangeEnginesNoResource": "Not enough engine resource for number of people exception detection.", "IPSLibrary": "IPS Version", "ARPCLibrary": "ARPC Version", "helmetLibrary": "Helmet Version", "IEDLibrary": "IED Version", "DIPSLibrary": "DIPS Version", "IOTImportPwdNullTip": "Ensure the password that has been imported to IoT list is correct.", "IOTPort": "IOT Port", "enableIOT": "Enable IoT Monitoring", "IOTParam": "IOT Parameter", "IOTChannel": "IoT Channel", "IOTChannelConfig": "IoT Channel Settings", "deleteIOTTip": "Delete the selected IoT channel?", "callCenterIOTEvent": "Call Center", "tamperingIOTEvent": "Access Control Anti-tamper Alarm", "duressAlarmIOTEvent": "Access Control Duress Alarm", "unlockingByPasswordFailedIOTEvent": "Unlock by Multi Password Failed Alarm", "unlockingDoorFailedIOTEvent": "Door Not-Opened Alarm", "lockingDoorFailedIOTEvent": "Door Not-Closed Alarm", "unlockingByPasswordIOTEvent": "Unlock by Password", "unlockingByDuressIOTEvent": "Unlock by Duress", "unlockingByCardIOTEvent": "Unlock by Card", "unlockingByResidentIOTEvent": "Unlock by Householder", "unlockingByCenterIOTEvent": "Unlock by Center", "cardSwipingFailedIOTEvent": "Unlock by Card Failed", "tamperingGJDIOTEvent": "Tampering", "lowlightDetectionIOTEvent": "Low Light Detection", "timerIOTEvent": "Timer", "temperatureIOTEvent": "Temperature", "pirDetectionIOTEvent": "PIR Detection", "pirTamperIOTEvent": "PIR Tamper", "cloakIOTEvent": "Cloak", "shockIOTEvent": "Shock", "failureIOTEvent": "Failure", "moveIOTEvent": "Move", "batteryLowIOTEvent": "Battery Low", "codeViolationIOTEvent": "Code Violation", "jammingIOTEvent": "Jamming", "mastheadTamperIOTEvent": "Masthead Tamper", "pcFnIOTEvent": "PC_FN", "pcFrIOTEvent": "PC_FR", "pcNrIOTEvent": "PC_NR", "pcCrIOTEvent": "PC_CR", "tcTaIOTEvent": "TC_TA", "tcAmIOTEvent": "TC_AM", "tcArIOTEvent": "TC_AR", "tcDqIOTEvent": "TC_DQ", "tcSoIOTEvent": "TC_SO", "tcTrIOTEvent": "TC_TR", "tcFaIOTEvent": "TC_FA", "offlineIOTEvent": "Offline", "connectIOTEvent": "Connect", "pcA1IOTEvent": "PC_A1", "pcA2IOTEvent": "PC_A2", "pcB1IOTEvent": "PC_B1", "pcB2IOTEvent": "PC_B2", "pcA11IOTEvent": "PC_A11", "pcA12IOTEvent": "PC_A12", "pcA22IOTEvent": "PC_A22", "pcA21IOTEvent": "PC_A21", "pcB11IOTEvent": "PC_B11", "pcB12IOTEvent": "PC_B12", "pcB22IOTEvent": "PC_B22", "pcB21IOTEvent": "PC_B21", "battery": "Battery", "storageStrategy": "Overwrite Strategy", "capacityStrategy": "Overwrite by Capacity", "periodStrategy": "Overwrite by Period", "IOTType": "IoT Type", "IOTEventConfig": "IoT Event Configuration", "acsDevice": "Access Control Device", "alarmDevice": "Alarm Device", "noLinkVideoChannel": "No available video channel is linked.", "IOTChannelLimit": "No more IoT channels are allowed.", "IpcChannelLimit": "No more video channels are allowed.", "IOTtoIpcChannelLimit": "Up to %s video channel(s) can be linked to IoT channel.", "moreThanOneIOTChannel": "Select at least one IoT channel.", "acsChannel": "Access Control Channel", "acsIntercomManage": "Access Control Device Configuration", "transducer": "Sensor", "sensorType": "Sensor Type", "sensorList": "Sensor List", "addSensor": "Add Sensor", "matchTip": "Matching…Please trigger the sensor.", "deleteSensorTip": "Delete the selected Sensor?", "iotChannelDeviceExist": "This IoT channels already exists.", "iotChannelDeviceNotExist": "This IoT channels does not exist.", "iotNumReachesLimit": "No more IoT channels are allowed.", "zoneNum": "Zone Amount", "IOTZone": "Zone", "zoneCode": "Zone No.", "combinationAlarmEvent": "Combined Alarm Event", "combinationAlarm": "Combined Alarm", "combinationAlarmTip": "Combined alarm will be triggered when it receives alarms of both alarm input and alarm event.", "ping": "Ping", "startPing": "Start Ping", "stopPing": "Stop Ping", "pingProcessing": "Pinging…", "pingNotStart": "Ping not started.", "openAutoMaintainTip": "After enabling auto maintenance, the device will automatically restart according to the maintenance plan. The device cannot record video during restart. Continue?", "doubleVerification": "Double Verification", "doubleVerificationUser": "Double verification user", "highHDTemperature": "HDD Overheat", "lowHDTemperature": "HDD Low Temperature", "hdImpact": "HDD Shock", "hdBadBlock": "HDD has bad sectors.", "severeHDFailure": "HDD Severe Failure", "rebuildVideo": "Rebuild Video", "rebuildAll": "Rebuild All Data", "rebuildVideoTips": "Rebuilding process will make searching functions unavailable, such as video search, and event search. Continue?", "rebuildAllTips": "Rebuild all data may take a while. Please wait patiently. Rebuilding process will make searching functions unavailable, such as video search, and event search. Continue?", "rebuildWait": "Rebuilding data… Please wait.", "dataReconstruction": "Data already in building.", "rebuildSuccess": "Rebuilding data succeeded.", "rebuilding": "Rebuilding data", "eapolVersion": "EAPOL Version", "subMaskLength": "Subnet Prefix Length", "ehomeName": "ISUP", "imageAdjust": "Image Adjustment", "depthMapVersion": "Perimeter Protection Algorithm Version", "detectDistance": "Detection Distance", "distancelevel1": "Normal", "distancelevel2": "Middle Distance", "distancelevel3": "Long Distance", "saveDistanceCfg": "Switching detection distance?", "uncertifiedEquipment": "Unauthorized Device", "whiteLightAlarmOut": "Flashing Alarm Light Output", "audioAlarmOut": "Audible Alarm Output", "audioType": "Sound Type", "audioAlarmType": "Sound Type ", "alertAudio": "Warning", "customAudio": "Custom Audio", "platformPrompt1": "If enabled, the audio encoding changes automatically for better audio performance. Continue?", "twinkleHigh": "High Frequency", "twinkleMedium": "Medium Frequency", "twinkleLow": "Low Frequency", "twinkleFrequency": "Flashing Frequency", "vigilance": "Alarm Sound Type", "loudspeaker": "Sound Volume", "customAudioUpload": "Upload Custom Audio", "audioFileTips": "Upload a .wav mono sound audio file with the size smaller than 512 KB and sampling rate as 8 KHz.", "audioName": "Audio Name", "deleteConfirm": "Delete %s now?", "pleaseSelect": "Select File", "contentEmpty": "No File", "pleaseAddAudio": "Add custom audio first.", "whiteLightLink": "Flashing Alarm", "twinkleTime": "Flashing Duration", "audio_type": "Sound", "whiteLight_type": "Light", "logException": "Log disk Exception", "ezvizRunStatusInfo": "Hik-Connect Cloud Running Status", "AudioLightlinkAlarmOutput": "Audio and Light Alarm Linkage", "NotAssociatedWithOwnChannel": "Not Associated With Own Channel.", "logHddNullTip": "Please Configure The Log Disk", "logQuery": "Log Query", "enableLogUploadServer": "Enable Log Upload Server", "logServerAddr": "Log Server IP ", "logServerPort": "Log Server Port", "logServer": "Log Server Settings", "logServerIpAddress": "Log Server Address", "logServerInterval": "Upload Time Interval (h)", "logStorageMode": "Log Storage Mode", "clientCertificate": "Client Certificate", "inputPictureBandwidth": "Picture Input Bandwidth", "outputPictureBandwidth": "Picture Output Bandwidth", "syncState": "Synchronization State", "installationCertificate": "Install", "certLength": "Public Key Length", "twinkleNormallyOn": "Always On", "promptAudio": "Prompt", "noLogResult": "No logs found.", "humanDetecion": "Target Capture", "intelMode": "VCA Mode", "localMotion": "By NVR", "remoteMotion": "By Camera", "localMotionTip": "The event will be analyzed by NVR. Continue?", "remoteMotionTip": "The event will be analyzed by camera. Continue?", "zeroChannelNotSupport4KResolution": "Zero channel does not support 4K resolution.", "upTo15FramesAt4KResolution": "When channel-zero video frame rate exceeds 15 fps, the resolution cannot be set as 4K.", "thermalVerifyCodeStrengthTip": "6 to 12 characters allowed, including upper-case and lower-case letters, and digits. To ensure device security, a combination with at least 8 characters of all the three above mentioned types is recommended.", "degree": "Degree", "humanBody": "Human", "QATip2": "%s methods completed :", "QATip1": "Please configure one password reset method at least.", "BLCArea": "BLC Area", "BLCLevel": "BLC Level", "BLC": "BLC", "wideDynamicLevel": "Wide Dynamic Level", "wideDynamicContrast": "Wide Dynamic Contrast", "HLC": "HLC", "HLCLevel": "HLC Level", "WBGainCircuitR": "WB Gain Circuit R", "WBGainCircuitB": "WB Gain Circuit B", "autoWhiteBalance": "Auto", "MWB": "MWB", "mercuryLamp": "Mercury Lamp", "fluorescentLamp": "Fluorescent Lamp", "AWB1": "AWB1", "AWB2": "AWB2", "autoOutdoor": "Auto-Outdoor", "autoSodiumlight": "Auto-Sodiumlight", "lockedWB": "Locked WB", "incandescentLamp": "Incandescent Lamp", "warmLightLamp": "Warm Light Lamp", "naturalLight": "Natural Light", "noiseReduceLevel": "DNR Level", "spaceDNRLevel": "Space DNR Level", "timeDNRLevel": "Time DNR Level", "defogMode": "Defog Mode", "offLineState": "Offline(%s)", "bindStatus": "Bind Status", "cannotUserABCDEF": "The combination \"ABCDEF\" is not allowed", "occurredTimes": "Appearances", "timeOfStartAnalysis": "Time to start the analysis", "confirmRealTimeAnalysis": "Enable Real-Time analytics mode?", "confirmNonRealTimeAnalysis": "Enable Non-Real-Time analysis mode?", "enableNonRealTimeAnalysis": "Enable Non-Real-Time Face Comparison", "FDEnginesNoResource": "Not enough resource for face capture engine.", "falseAlarmReduction": "False alarm reduction", "closeSVCTip": "When SVC decoding is turned off, the local decoding capacity will be halved. The parameters you set will not take effect until they are restarted. Are you sure you want to restart now?", "encryption": "Encryption", "RTSPdemo1": "RTSP Example:[Type]://[IP Address]:[Port]/[Path]", "RTSPdemo2": "rtsp://", "HIKVSION_RTSP": "HIKVSION_RTSP", "DAHUA_RTSP": "DAHUA_RTSP", "UNIVIEW_RTSP": "UNIVIEW_RTSP", "TPLINK_RTSP": "TPLINK_RTSP", "HUAWEI_RTSP": "HUAWEI_RTSP", "HIKVSION": "HIKVSION", "DAHUA": "DAHUA", "UNIVIEW": "UNIVIEW", "TPLINK": "TPLINK", "HUAWEI": "HUAWEI", "EnableIPCIOTTiming": "Enable IPC/IOT Time Sync", "combinedSubRuleSame": "The sub rules cannot be the same. Please try again.", "excelHeaderError": "Excel header error", "configOperating": "Config operating", "ipv6Mode": "IPv6 Mode", "viewRouterAd": "View Route Advertisement", "PeanutHull": "PeanutHull", "updateStatus": "Update status", "detectUpdates": "Detect updates", "OneClickUpgrade": "One click upgrade", "IPCUpgradeTip": "During the upgrade process, do not restart the device or power off. Do not operate IPC. After the upgrade is successful, the IP channel will restart automatically. Do you want to continue?", "IPCUpgradeTaskSuccess": "The upgrade command was issued successfully", "detectUpdatesProcess": "Detect update progress", "PatrolInspectionSuccess": "Detection update succeeded", "PatrolInspectionFailed": "Failed to detect update", "UpgradeStatusOption": { "allowance": "Upgradeable", "ready": "To be upgraded", "upgrading": "Upgrading", "success": "Upgraded", "failed": "Upgrade failed", "downloading": "Upgrade package downloading", "downloadSuccess": "Upgrade package downloaded successfully", "rebooting": "Restarting", "rebootRequired": "Reboot Required" }, "failedReasonOption": { "upgradeException": "Exception during upgrade", "controlPanelBusy": "The host is busy", "upgradeTaskInProgress": "The upgrade task is in progress", "upgradeTaskFailed": "Upgrade task execution failed", "sameVersion": "Same version", "deviceVersionLow": "The current version of the device is too low", "upgradeInformationSynchronizationFailed": "Upgrade information synchronization failed", "incorrectUpgradeFileFormat": "Upgrade file format error", "upgradeFileMatchError": "Upgrade file does not match device", "upgradeDataTransmissionFailed": "Upgrade data transmission failed", "upgradeFileNotExist": "Upgrade file does not exist", "insufficientStorageSpace": "Insufficient storage space", "insufficientMemorySpace": "Insufficient memory space", "storageDeviceNotExist": "Device does not exist", "upgradeFileDownloadFailed": "Upgrade file download failed", "networkAnomaly": "Network exception", "nonHD": "No hard disk", "excessiveUpgradeFile": "The upgrade package is too large", "deviceLowPower": "Low power of equipment to be upgraded", "HDOperationException": "Abnormal operation of hard disk", "flashException": "Upgrade write flash exception", "ipcNonSupport": "IPC does not support online upgrade", "languageMismatch": "IPC language mismatch", "ServerErr": "Error upgrading server", "readUpgradeFileFailed": "Upgrade file read failed", "serverConnectFailed": "Connection to the server failed", "httpRequestErr": "HTTP request error" }, "connectState": "Connection Status", "hex": "HEX", "openType": "Open", "shareType": "Shared", "connected": "Connected", "unconnected": "Disconnected", "nHex": "Please input %s Hex characters", "nASCII": "Please input %s ASCII characters", "rangeChar": "Please input %s-%s characters", "turnOffRemotelyEncryptionTip": "Disabling encryption will lead to the data security risk bought about by unencrypted videos on the cloud.", "BitrateMaxTip": "Cloud storage has been enabled for the channel. Make sure the bit rate configured for the channel is no larger than %s Kbps.", "ResolutionhighTip": "Cloud storage has been enabled for the channel. Make sure the definition configured for the channel is no larger than 8 MP.", "ECSMustEnableStreamEncry": "Disabling Hik-Connect stream encryption failed. Please disable cloud storage recording, and try again.", "enablingStreamTip": "Enabling cloud storage recording will enable Hik-Connect stream encryption by default.", "editVerification": "The new verification code is only valid for videos afterwards. The old videos at cloud still use the old verification code.", "cannotUserABCDEFabcdef": "The combination \"ABCDEF\" and any other case sensitive combination of this alphabetical order is not allowed\r\r\r\r\n", "IPCUpgrading": "Upgrading network camera… Please try again later.", "channelUpgrading": "Upgrading channel… Do not repeat the operation.", "formatSSDDiskTips": "Initializing SSD will erase its data, including those in face picture library, and cancel the alarms linked to the library. The device will restart after the initialization. Continue?", "SSDUpgradeTips": "When upgrading SSD file system, do not shut down the device or unplug the HDD, otherwise it may result in data loss. Services will be unavailable during the upgrade, and the device will automatically restart afterwards. Continue?", "2Kor4KOutPutMutexWithVMDHumanVehicle": "The channel resolution is too high to enable NVR intelligence. Please modify the resolution to 800W or below", "AISmartSwitchTip": "Supported smart events will be changed when enabling/disabling AI by Device.Continue?", "upgradeResourceConflict": "Operation failed. Please try again after the network camera is upgraded.", "deviceDisconnectedHC": "Upgrading failed. Please ensure your device is properly connected to Hik-Connect, and try again.", "SSDFileSystemDiskfull": "Repairing SSD file system failed. Backup drive full.", "SSDFileSystemBackupfailure": "Repairing SSD file system failed. Data backup failed.", "otherEvent": "Other Event", "transparentConfiguration": "Event Receiving Management", "eventTypeDescriptionList": "Event Description List", "eventTypeDescription": "Event Description", "smartIPCTransmission": "Event Configuration", "SMDEvents": "SMD Events", "SSDManagement": "SSD Management", "SSDFileUpgrade": "File System Upgrade", "formatFail": "Formatting Failed", "SSDFileSystemIsFormat": "Formatting SSD… Please Wait.", "SSDSerialLog": "SSD Serial Log", "SSDTemperatureAbnormal": "SSD Temperature Abnormal", "SSDLifeTimeAbnormal": "SSD Life Time Abnormal", "SSDFileSystemIsUpgrading": "Upgrading SSD file system… Please wait.", "SSDFileSystemNoDisk": "Repairing SSD file system failed. No backup drive.", "upgradingTip": "Upgrading in progress, please do not power off!", "latestVersion": "Is the latest version", "faceLibDiskFull": "No enough space in Face Picture Library", "faceScoreUnknown": "Unknown", "faceScorelow": "Low", "faceScorehigh": "High", "routeAdvertisement": "Router Advertisement", "enableLocalSVCEnhanceMode": "Enhanced SVC Mode", "enableNetworkSVCEnhanceMode": "Enable SVC Network Transmission Frame Extracting", "picCaptureQuality": "Capture Quality", "channelCompressionNoSupport": "Stream type is not supported", "enableNVRSmartAnalysis": "Enable AI by Device", "bind": "Yes", "unbind": "No", "allowList": "Allowlist", "defogLevel": "Defog Level", "digitalNoiseReduce": "Digital Noise Reduction", "backlightSettings": "Backlight", "SVCEnhanceEnable": "Enhanced Decoding Mode", "WDR": "Wide Dynamic Range", "center": "Center", "SVCEnhanceTip": "Enabling enhanced SVC mode will restart your device, but make 2K/4K resolution output unavailable. Continue?", "SVCEnhanceTip4K": "Enabling 2K/4K resolution output will restart your device, but make VGA interface and enhanced SVC mode unavailable. Continue?", "SVCEnhanceTip4K2": "Enabling 2K/4K resolution output will restart your device, but make enhanced SVC mode unavailable. Continue?", "SVCEnhanceTip4K3": "Enabling 2K/4K resolution will restart your device. VGA resolution cannot exceed 1080p, otherwise the display would become abnormal. Continue?", "SVCEnhanceTip4K4": "Enabling 2K/4K resolution will restart your device. Continue?", "SSDVersion": "SSD Version", "lbrMode": "Enable Low Bitrate Mode", "enableFilterFalseAlarm": "Learn-by-Example Mode", "substreamMLAuto": "Low Bitrate Mode", "pleaseFinishDraw": "Please finish the drawing first. Right-click to finish drawing.", "useIpcSmart": "The event will be analyzed by camera. Continue?", "useNVRSmart": "The event will be analyzed by NVR. Continue?", "misinfoFilter": "Learn-by-Example Mode", "openMisinfoFilterTip": "Enabling learn-by-example mode will make video analysis function unavailable. Disable the following channel: %s ?", "openPerimeterTip": "Enabling video analysis will make learn-by-example mode function unavailable. Disable the following channel: %s ?", "toLibTime": "By warehousing time", "filterTimesASC": "In ascending order of filtering times", "filterTimesDESC": "In descending order of filtering times", "alarmRemoveFaultInfo": "Learn-by-Example Mode", "alarmRemoveFaultInfoTip": "Learn-by-example mode is only for alarms that are analyzed by device.", "filterTargetLib": "Self-Learning Library", "AISelfLearning": "Self-Learning", "sureToCloseFilter": "It is recommended to enable learn-by-example mode to reduce false alarms of perimeter protection events.", "sureToDeleteSelectPic": "Delete the selected pictures?", "sureToDeleteAllPic": "Delete all pictures?", "netPriorityAuto": "IP conflict adaptation", "unSelectAll": "Deselect All", "pingDst": "Destination address", "pingPackNum": "Number of ping packages", "pingPackSize": "Ping Package Size", "pingTimeout": "Ping timeout", "filterTimes": "Alarm filtering times:", "filterTargetLibUseHelp": "Enter \"Preview → Target Detection\" or \"File Management/Intelligent Analysis → Intelligent Retrieval\", select the passenger vehicle target map with false alarm, and click \"Import Target Filter Library\". When similar targets appear next time, no alarm will be given. It is recommended to select multiple imported pictures with large differences in angles, colors, etc. for each false alarm target. Pictures with similar angles and colors need not be imported many times, and pedestrian and vehicle target pictures with normal alarm (non false alarm) cannot be imported.", "enablingEZtip": "Enabling %s will disable NTP. Continue?", "noEnoughDecodeResource": "Not enough engine decoding resource.", "ezvizStatus": { "ok": "Succeeded", "noMemory": "Device memory is not enough.", "deviceBusy": "Device busy or no response.", "notSupport": "Device does not support.", "lowPrivilege": "Do not have enough permission to do this operation.", "methodNotAllowed": "HTTP method is not allowed.", "notActivated": "Device is not activated.", "badXmlFormat": "XML format error.", "badJsonFormat": "JSON format error.", "badURLFormat": "URL format error.", "badParameters": "Parameter error.", "MessageParametersLack": "Message parameter is missing.", "rebootRequired": "操作生效前需要重启" }, "operateDescription": "Enable Schedule Reboot", "autoOperate": "Schedule Reboot", "paramConfig": "Parameter Configuration", "paramConfigDescription": "Schedule reboot parameters configuration (parameters are configurable after schedule reboot is enabled).", "autoOperateTime": "Reboot Schedule", "confirmOpenAutoOperate": "After enabling schedule reboot, the device the device will automatically restart according to the schedule. The device cannot record video during restart. Continue?", "autoOperateOpenSuccess": "Schedule reboot enabled.", "autoOperateCloseSuccess": "Schedule reboot disabled.", "autoOperateOpenError": "Enabling schedule reboot failed.", "autoOperateCloseError": "Disabling schedule reboot failed.", "configSuccess": "Parameter configured.", "configError": "Configuring parameter failed.", "svcOptimizeStorage": "SVC Storage Optimization", "svcTypeList": { "0": "None", "1": "Simple Mode", "2": "Medium Mode", "3": "Advanced Mode" }, "svcTypeDescriptionList": { "0": "Not excite stream extraction for streams that support SVC.", "1": "Excite 1/2 stream extraction for streams that support SVC.", "2": "Excite 3/4 stream extraction for streams that support SVC.", "3": "Excite 1/4 stream extraction for streams that support SVC." }, "targetLocus": "Target Locus", "ezDebugStreamMap": { "preview": "Live View Stream", "playback": "Playback Stream" }, "debugStatus":{ "open": "Enable Adjustment", "close": "Disable Adjustment" }, "ezStreamDebug": "Hik-Connect Stream Adjustment", "exportFilterTargetLib": "Export Filter Alarm Library", "cameraStatus": "Channel Status", "muteWithoutDisturb": "Mute and Not Disturb", "optimizeMode": "Optimization Mode", "storageOptiomizeCamera": "Storage Optimization Channel", "misreportConfirmTips": "After disabling false alarm analysis, the device would display all alarms and make false alarm reduction unavailable for smart events. Disable?", "MotionDetection": "Motion Detection", "channelResolutionNoSupport": "Resolution Not Support.", "szLockNTP": "Lock NTP", "enableLockNTPTip": "Note: You won't be able to configure the time after enabling the \"Lock NTP\"", "saveLockNTPSuccess": "Lock NTP succeeded.", "customInfo": "Customization Number", "firmwarerealVersion": "Internal Version", "alarmReceiverSettings": "Alarm Receiver Settings", "videoReconnect": "video reconnect", "openSvcTip": "After enabling SVC storage optimization, the device would simplify the non-key data frame storage to save video storage space. Enable?", "closeSvcTip": "After enabling SVC storage optimization, the device would simplify the non-key data frame storage to save video storage space. Enable?", "close4KTip": "Disabling 2K/4K resolution will restart your device. Continue?" }